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On 2016-09-14 08:12:43Show this Author Only
Platform: Browser(Firefox)
Server ID: S1
Character Name: DragonulRed
UID: 1795830060651758
Bug Description: I want to enter in sage event and i received this error with failure loading like 10 times in a row...this error with failure loading is from strong app update or from last maintenance...right now the loading was fine and i enter in sage but after a screen is black and i can't see any people...but people can see me and they click on me and fight with me...the sage is over now and i'm konoha with black screen...after refresh my screen is fine,but the problem is i can't loading fine for sage event...this problem is from update i think...when the server was open for the first time i didn't have this problem...
Screeshoot(error page):
Operation System: Windows 7 64 bit
Resolution: 1080p (1920x1080)
Your computer time-zone - Country: UTC+02:00 Athens,Bucharest
Are you using VPN or not: No
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On 2016-09-22 16:41:14Show this Author Only
Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: S20
Character Name: Saypher
UID: 200000082095440
Bug Description: Players without group on group base
Screeshoot(error page):
Operation System: Windows 7
Resolution: 1920x1080
Your computer time-zone - Country: GMT+3 Moscow
Are you using VPN or not: No

Catch this when I wait matching in team instance. Before cooldown, I going to the group base, and then instance cooldown starts. In the end, two random people from instance matching coming to the base with me. I tried to leave base, but appears words "request error".
Cured by reset.
Sorry for my english, if something in my message is unclear, send me your questions, and I will answer it. This post was last edited by Saypher at 2016-9-22 18:18 This post was last edited by Saypher at 2016-9-22 18:18
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On 2016-09-22 22:30:52Show this Author Only
PlatForm: FireFox
Server Id : S48
Char Name: ZawmBeHunter
Uid: (it wont show me ;-;)
Bug Desc:My Jonin Medal Does not work the Naruto Nine Tails cant be given to me ;-;
Are You using VPN or not : No
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On 2016-09-23 15:21:54Show this Author Only
Platform: Chrome
Server ID: S45
Character Name: RockLeefan
UID: 200000089298728
Bug Description: it says my jonin medal is there and my reward is claimed but i dont have nine tail chakra naruto, or the other things either and it says its claimed so i cant do it again
Screenshot: none but it says claimed in grey and i cant click it
Resulution: 1920x1080
computer time zone - country: England, warwickoperating system: windows 10
VPN or not: no
This post was last edited by at 2016-9-23 15:23
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On 2016-09-23 15:22:28Show this Author Only
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On 2016-09-24 01:15:21Show this Author Only
Edit|Update: You guys are on it today! Good Job! Keep up the good work. Bug|Server fixed at least for me.

Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: S52
Character Name: Megitsune
UID: 200000086342817
Bug Description: My Top UI Icons & Hot Topics is bugged. Events are missing *ons. Lucky Runes not working.

In the top menu, the server opening event & 7 days gift pack has reappeared when the event has been long gone. When clicking them nothing happens but a loading symbol appearing and sometimes a "System Error" or "Request Timeout".

When opening, Medalha Ninja *on, the loading symbol also appears with a "System Error" message. ( For clarification, I did not recharge. This is from the free Jonin trial)

My Lucky Runes is also not working. When clicking on it, it will pop up but has a loading symbol along with the "System Error" or "Request Timeout". Once the loading symbol is gone, nothing happens when clicking the Lucky *on.

The Hot Topic is also bugged in a similar way. The Try Your Luck is missing the coupon images, the Total Spending Rebate has a "System Error" pop up that's not like the others, and both my Mystery Fruits & Ninja Puzzles Events are missing their *ons.

Everything else seems to work normally. I can do my bounty, sweep instances, spin my group lucky wheel etc. Just the events are missing, the bugged UI and "System Error|Request Timeout" on the The Lucky Runes and the others mentioned aboved.

Operation System: Windows Vista
Resolution: 1280 x 800
Your computer time-zone - Country: GMT-8 - Los Angeles, USA
Are you using VPN or not: No VPN
Screeshoot(error page): Screenshots are in the order of the bugs reported above. (I blacked out my email address from the screenshots)

This post was last edited by Megitsune at 2016-9-24 01:36 This post was last edited by Megitsune at 2016-9-24 01:55
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-24 05:18:19Show this Author Only
Please reply in th the following format if you encounter any bugs:

Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: S17 Zabuza
Character Name: IvarTheBoneless
UID: 200000077187304
Bug Description: Ino's chase is bugged for me after last update, instead of chasing up to 2 times each turn, she's sometimes chasing after her own chase, wich in turn cause her to bug and she won't chase again for the next 2 turns.
Screeshoot(error page):
Operation System: Windows 10
Resolution: 1920x1080
Your computer time-zone - Country: 18:13 BRT - Brazil
Are you using VPN or not: not using any VPN This post was last edited by IvarTheBoneless at 2016-9-24 05:19
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On 2016-09-26 06:43:09Show this Author Only
Platform: Mini Client

Server ID: S56 - Choza

Character Name: TsuchiSage

UID: Im sorry, couldnt find this in the client

Bug Description: When someone is in Arena, shutdowns the tab, and starts a strong approaching, the arena bugs for EVERYONE in the server. As soon as you put Start, it says failed to match.. then you cant cancel neither get another match

Screeshoot(error page): Couldnt get because i knew who was doing that and he cancelled it asap to avoid the bug

Operation System: Windows 7

Resolution: 1920x1080

Your computer time-zone - Country: Argentina

Are you using VPN or not: No
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-27 04:57:53Show this Author Only
Platform: ChromeServer ID: s96
Character Name:GodofIllusion
Bug Description: Even after updating chrome and flash player when I try to enter game it says plugin cannot be loaded
Screeshoot(error page):
Operation System: Windows 10
Resolution: 1920x1080
Your computer time-zone - Country: 0:00 UTC London
Are you using VPN or not: I am not
This post was last edited by God_Of_Illusion at 2016-9-27 04:59
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On 2016-09-27 23:06:31Show this Author Only
Platform: Browser(Chrome) and Mini-Client
Server ID: s109
Character Name:Shadex
UID: 200000082703852
Bug Description:When I login into the game, this "Request Timeout" always appears and i cant seem to do anything! Even at the time of logging it happened again. I cant do anything because of that Request timeout! Pls find a way to solve this! :D
Screeshoot(error page):
Operation System: Windows 10
Resolution: 1080p (1920x1080)
Your computer time-zone - Country: GMT +4 UAE
Are you using VPN or not: nope
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On 2016-09-28 04:36:07Show this Author Only
Platform: Chrome/mini client
Server ID: S17
Character Name: YatogamiJR
Bug Description: Request timeout no world chat no friends list visible since today morning never happen before
no VPN
Resolution: 1366*768
Time zone GMT+0400 Country Dubai
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-02 09:32:28Show this Author Only

Platform: chrome,facebook arcade,mini client
Server ID: S128
Character Name: MLGBaconMcswagg
UID: 1207211755965807
Bug Description:won't load just white screen even in mini client just loading even when im using doctor fix
Operation System: Windows 7 64 bit
Resolution: 1080p (1920x1080)
Your computer time-zone - Country: PH +08:00
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-02 22:38:55Show this Author Only
Platform: Browser (Chrome)
Server ID: S91
Character Name: ChihikoUchiha
UID: 108819461034419112728@google
Bug Description: When I click on Strengthening, the screen shows the 100% bar, but no panel shows up. If I click it again, the game freezes indefinitely. Note: this started after I received a free Jonin medal activation from the server.
Operating System: Windows 10
Time Zone/Country: EST/USA
VPN: No This post was last edited by 108***@google at 2016-10-3 01:05
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On 2016-10-03 01:00:57Show this Author Only
Platform: Browser(Chrome)
Server ID: S91
Character Name: ChihikoUchiha
UID: 200000088302477
Bug Description: Strengthening panel will not show up when I click on it. It shows the loading bar to 100% and then disappears. When I try clicking it again, the game freezes.
Operation System: Windows 10
Resolution: 1280 x 1024
Your computer time-zone - Country: UTC-05:00 U.S.A.
Are you using VPN or not: No
Edit: Now it's to the point that I can't even load the game. It either freezes or shows a black screen.
This post was last edited by 108***@google at 2016-10-3 01:06
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-03 01:58:35Show this Author Only
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-03 02:03:53Show this Author Only
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On 2016-10-03 10:27:25Show this Author Only

Mini client
server 105
my char name : Torinto
today i cant open my Character window in menu
1st click i see the loading bu nothing hapen 2nd click the game freez and need to refresh
tried like x15 times same situation tried game doctor and game speed
still cant open it
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-04 20:29:18Show this Author Only
Platform: Mini Client
Server ID: 31
Character Name: Takamura
UID: sddsss
Bug Description: I cant play after i refreshed my mini client, i wasnt able to join SageWorldBattlefield and Nine Tails because of this
Operation System: Windows 10
Resolution:1366 x 768
Your computer time-zone - Country: UTC+08:00 - Philippine
Are you using VPN or not:Not This post was last edited by sddsss at 2016-10-4 20:35
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-06 07:37:34Show this Author Only
So basicaly i found a typo haha...when collecting rewards in fb community, under wonderful sharing,there us a typo. when u get jiraya sannin war it say its jiraya 3rd hokage hihih :D

timezone +1 ljubljana

i am sorry if this kinda bug does not fall under this thread.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-07 05:25:57Show this Author Only
Quicky Post

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