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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 03:17:31Show All PostsDescending Order
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did Oasis fix this event?Bcs I was fighting the same level as mine today....Oasis ???? :o

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 03:37:07Show All Posts
  • Benevolence On 2017-07-21 03:27:05
  • You mean Sage Battlefield?
yeah, usually I would get matched with few levels higher or even more, the same thing about lower..but today we were all the same level
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 03:41:56Show All Posts
  • Benevolence On 2017-07-21 03:39:58
  • How old is your server?
2 weeks, mby more
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 03:47:08Show All Posts
  • Benevolence On 2017-07-21 03:44:49
  • Your server has possibly yet to have cross-server Sage Battlefield then, which explains why everyone is around the same level. Have you experienced higher levels before? Because newer servers don't usually have cross-server SB until a month or so.
oh, I don't fight with anyone in my server, mby 1 or 2 but are sometimes with me but rarely ...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 03:48:32Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2017-07-21 03:45:15
  • Were there any other changes you might think that may have made this happen? Did you level or increase your power significantly? Is there more new people in your bracket?

    If you'll below level 70,I think it's much easier for people to move to different brackets so that might have been the reason why you see people with the same level.
every time most of them are new in sage, I was sure its random every time..soo today when we were all the same level I assumed oasis fixed it ;P
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 03:51:36Show All Posts
  • Benevolence On 2017-07-21 03:49:04
  • Hm, well. As Danzo stated, it could be your increase of level or power.
that's true I'm awesome. :lol
jokes aside, well I'm glad there are players that will help me clear things out, I almost thanked Oasis :shutup:
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 14:50:29Show All Posts
well, mby Oasis started reading a forum and decide to help us? ;P
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 16:48:56Show All Posts
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-07-21 16:45:57
  • No, nothing changed. Was just a random case dued to the lower number of people that joins, the Thursday sage usually in comparison with the Tuesday and sunday ones.
come on, let us believe Oasis switched sides :'(
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-21 17:36:37Show All Posts
  • Armand_ On 2017-07-21 17:16:03
  • Sry guys but it was chance. Probably many people were dejected due to aniversay events, thus they did not participate. This in turn gave lower level/power players a spot in your sage battlefield. So increasing your chances of beating a random opponent.

    I'm lvl 87 with 52k power. I fought against a lvl 78 with 30k something power.

    So yea. Unfortunately the brackets are not fixed.
u crushed my dream today :'(
Quicky Post

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