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[ Events ] What is the best event u think is the best so far?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 8
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On 2017-07-20 08:54:41Show All Posts
Lucky Board's shine has somewhat worn off for me, but it is certainly one of the best events in the game still, very good value
Myoubuku Trial is great, I like the login rewards and the wheel wasn't bad at all, and of course the free items from the mini-game
Missions is great, can get Charm packs from there, Medium Refines are good too but I personally don't really need them as badly, free Charms are just amazing
Daily Special, the one with the different deals each day for coupons and ingots is also good but there is a /major lack/ of availability for the discount coupons almost every time it has shown up. It is one of the best events to get specific higher-grade items like Advanced Refines (/when you have a discount coupon/, most of the time)
And of course, Treasure of the Sage, but the dependance on RNG to get good deals brings it down a little

This post was last edited by Amadeu at 2017-7-20 08:57
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