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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-17 02:14:26Show All Posts
I had the same problem. I am the leader of S55 Oblivion. After the server merge a new group came over called Uchiha Clan. Their first move was to take all the strong players from all the merged servers to make one single power group. They even absorbed 2 whole groups in the process.

We would get destroyed in GNW with no chance of winning. We even merged with a smaller group to try and give us a better chance but it didn't help. Eventually even our strongest player AssumedParasite got annoyed and joined them.

Things were looking grim, but as the leader I had to bring moral back somehow, so I just stopped focusing on GNW. I engaged with the group more to make a friendlier environment that people liked to be in. Players stopped getting on solely to play the game, and more to hang out with everyone. We do movie nights every now and then, talk about anything and everything, and generally just be friends.

Eventually another group that was dying merged in with us, and Uchiha started to die. Now we beat them almost every week!

So my advice would be this!

1. Build a community that is not so much focused on the GNW
2. Talk with the leaders of some smaller groups to see if they would merge (sometimes numbers > power)
Quicky Post

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