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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-17 22:32:15Show All Posts
LOL jib, please explain why the 2 posts above are considered player harrassment?

I am geniunely trying to help the OP make a decision between toughing it out and joining a new group.

103 google user has a problem with me from other threads where if you look them up you can see that he is making unreasonable arguments against me and other users.

Please pm me before you ban kthxbai. Are you trying to chase away legit forum users?
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On 2017-07-17 22:34:04Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-07-17 22:30:07
  • Well he c*ways play on other servers and come back to his old one for check ins if he really cares about that.
Please. There is no coming back to old server because time does not stop for the other players and you will be grossly outpowered when you do go back.
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On 2017-07-17 22:39:47Show All Posts
  • Ramen-kun On 2017-07-17 20:12:05
  • I know you've been making progress on your current server, but maybe it's time to consider moving to a server that's flourishing more than your current one.

    I have a friend on my server who decided to swap servers because of his old server's issues and I think he's much happier in my server now, and seeing how we recently got merged, our combined server is really much more lively.

    However, I don't think your server seems to have much chance of a merge until many months later, which by then you'll lose all interest to play. Dying servers are sadly common, so perhaps it's a better idea to move to one with more life, even if it means starting all over. Maybe if you make friends you can ask for an account that isn't in use anymore as well, then you won't be completely starting over.
This is the best advice so far. Thumbs up Ramen-kun. :lol

To Oblin, if you are falling behind on power why not start fresh on a new server with a level playing field. You could make this decision with the rest of your group. It is not uncommon for players to restart because the first time is a learning experience and the 2nd time you will not make as many mistakes and be wiser.

But before that, if you are currently the 2nd group on server and getting GNW giftpacks then all is fine. However, if you are not getting GNW giftpacks then i would 100% recommend a fresh start because you will not be getting any packs if you merged groups.

In before ban by jib~
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-17 22:44:23Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-07-17 22:40:55
  • So what if he is out powered? What if he has a super rare ninja from a treasure, like Tendo/Hashirama or Sasuke Susano'o/Ay? Heck what if he has some ninjas that he c*e like Sailor Sakura/5th Hokage? But considering there is GNW Sakura this month, there is no reason not to finish the check in since she is better than Normal Sakura (until you breakthrough her quick healing).

    Any player can catch up to other f2p rather easily as long as they become active everyday and spend coupons correctly.
This is what i don't like about you 103.. you don't have any facts and you are full of what ifs.

Why are you answering for the OP, you are just creating unnecessary discussion and diverting attention away from the rest of us trying to help the OP.
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On 2017-07-17 22:45:54Show All Posts
  • Benevolence On 2017-07-17 22:42:48
  • I'm curious to know whwt his post was.
If you are currently the 2nd group on server and getting GNW giftpacks then all is fine, because I think that GNW gifts are the main reason why you should be in the group in the first place.

However, if you are not getting GNW giftpacks then i would 100% recommend a fresh start because you will not be getting any packs if you merged groups.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-17 22:49:07Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-07-17 22:46:52
  • I am not answering for the OP, never stated I was. But again you don't know what he has on his account, hell he said he pulled sage naruto and didn't want to waste it. Which is reason enough just to log in, do sign-in and log out if he ever wanted to go back.
Moving forward, i'm going to ignore you because you bring zero contribution to the threads and even mysteriously manage to get me banned.

Stop replying if you are not contributing seriously.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-17 23:10:55Show All Posts
So is the reason why the members are demoralized because they get plundered daily? or is it because of being 2nd place?

Because plunder is another problem in itself, even if you had more active members, nothing would change.

As for 2nd place GNW, the only difference is 1 legendary pack and some group victory points. So I do not think there's any big issue there. You could perhaps explain to your members that they are getting elite packs whereas other members which joined the #1 group are possibly only getting hero packs or have to be on pack rotation. So your members are really the ones really benefiting from those quitters. :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-17 23:44:53Show All Posts
Geez i cant believe wherever i go i see Sab.
Quicky Post

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