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On 2017-07-16 23:53:22Show All PostsDescending Order
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So, the server I'm currently on is about 2-3 months old, and already within the first month or so it already began to die out. Following that groups became scarce. There's been two groups that usually are pretty active and participate in GNW - all that good stuff. Around the second month there's a steady decline in one of the groups, and a rise in the other - being mine. The leader of my group, alone with some others, ditched the group to join the rival group for whatever reason.

Now, after that occured the leader of the rival group attempted to offer me and my group a merge onto their group. I declined, being the new leader of *ready dying group because I feel as though everyone being clustered in one massive group with a dying server is just absurd, and because I know by this point they were only drafting strong players to be dominant. Weeks pass and my former leader and senior can now participate in GNW, our group went from being decently strong and winning here and there, to being downright demolished from lack of number or them just overpowering us.

Now in recent times my group members, and me, are constantly plundered by our former members and some are even considering quitting. I understand this is just a game, and it's supposed to be for fun, but I honestly don't know what to do at this point. I've had my group send in server merge requests for the entire server and i'm trying to be as patient as can be. I've went from a stable 2nd highest strongest person on my server to 4th with those former members rising up, meaning I can no longer support my own members in convoy to defend their income of coupons.

It's demorlizing at this point, and I'm seeking any sort of answers on what to do here. Should I just bide time and be patient for a server merge? Or just cave in and merge my group with our rival group?
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On 2017-07-17 02:38:35Show All Posts
  • Dragonfire14 On 2017-07-17 02:14:26
  • I had the same problem. I am the leader of S55 Oblivion. After the server merge a new group came over called Uchiha Clan. Their first move was to take all the strong players from all the merged servers to make one single power group. They even absorbed 2 whole groups in the process.

    We would get destroyed in GNW with no chance of winning. We even merged with a smaller group to try and give us a better chance but it didn't help. Eventually even our strongest player AssumedParasite got annoyed and joined them.

    Things were looking grim, but as the leader I had to bring moral back somehow, so I just stopped focusing on GNW. I engaged with the group more to make a friendlier environment that people liked to be in. Players stopped getting on solely to play the game, and more to hang out with everyone. We do movie nights every now and then, talk about anything and everything, and generally just be friends.

    Eventually another group that was dying merged in with us, and Uchiha started to die. Now we beat them almost every week!

    So my advice would be this!

    1. Build a community that is not so much focused on the GNW
    2. Talk with the leaders of some smaller groups to see if they would merge (sometimes numbers > power)
Yeah, that's something I wish to do. Sadly we've yet to have a server merge, so trying to talk to even the smallest of groups doesn't seem like a thing. Any new player that comes to the server, or those lesser groups have already been *ed into our rival group.

So far I've tried taking a more friendly approach, not caring so much about GNW and all that. The difference is very meager, but it's progress I suppose. We've been them one time despite our numbers and lack of power just on tactics alone and it seemed to be a big moral booster, but just last night we lost against because the rival group seemed to double their numbers.

Honestly, I've just been yearning to lead or be part of an active group that has most of the qualities yours does. As envious as I am, I have to work with what I got.
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On 2017-07-17 11:05:50Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-07-17 11:00:03
  • Here is what I suggest, try to get your group just to show up to GNW for group currency. Then focus on building a relationship with each and everyone in your group and make it as friendly as possible, I been on a few servers and a lot of groups I was in, never had anyone chatting in-game. Make people want to join your small community for the friendly environment. And eventually you'll gain more members and more power.
Yeah, that's a good idea. So far, even in my original server, there's never been so much social chat. Thing is our world chat is empty as it is already. Most chatter that goes on is asking for TI partners and such. Though maybe I could give more of an effort. Thanks.
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On 2017-07-17 13:23:49Show All Posts
  • On 2017-07-17 13:11:38
  • Cave in and merge with the rival group. Those who cannot enter the one group active should avoid running convoy until the server is merged or the top group have space for them. If your server is merged and a group after the merge is stronger than the one that is now, join that group. Cause honestly, even after a merge the bulk of people in the server end up in one strong group and the others won't stand a chance.

    I'd tell people not to run coupon convoy not to give up on those coupons, but on the constanst frustration that convoy and being plundered generates in them. Focus on keeping a steady amount of active friends watering the tree daily.

    I'll tell you my sad story, I started playing this game in a server without knowing much about what happens to servers over time or the game in general. I was in #2 Top group, in my group people didn't help each other much, aside from the people who apparently played other servers together and knew each other, our leader was quite ambitious he was the strongest player in the server (at the time) and wanted group to be #1. For GNW friends of the leader were the one who got packs and stuff. We were more less even in power with the other group, but they always knew where we had our strong people and our weak people lol.

    Our leader became frustrated blamed it all in the group members wanted to have a group meeting and talk things out (It did seem like he wanted to kick people out). One day before said meeting he quit the group with a few friends and dropped the group on some random dude who quit leadership and quit group in a mater of minutes lel. The group just jumped from leader to leader almost 80% of the people originally there went to join group top #1 or #3. In less than a month our group was #9. Because group #1 had taken and accepted only the strongest from our group they became unstopabble. The group that was #3 became #2 and they had quite a vicious rivalry with #1.

    So generally GNW was those two groups getting toxic at each other and the rest just doing GNW as an attendance event. This situation only changed after the merge, the merge brought an even stronger group that took the place of #1, there were fights, grudges over GNW pack and other stuff and the group that was #1 doesn't do GNW, now most of it members either quit or joined some of the other groups it seems it ac*ulated too much bad blood there.

    What happened to me is that I stayed in that group and when I had the chance I took leadership of the group, but I was new and I didn't know how to do much. I recruited whenever I could and I managed to keep us active enough to do GNW even if we had like 3 people every week on that. At least no one got to fight for a pack because at that time we got enough for everyone. What we didn't get is enough people to do convoy, because back then you needed two people and those two needed same scroll and the merchant seemed to love spamming too much of one scroll and too little of the other. When we finally started to lose activity for GNW I had enough, I started to look for another server, though I did eventually quit playing altogether.

    When I got back, the server was merged the other lower groups were recruiting like crazy. I was still leader and there were surprisingly people still playing in the group. I asked people if they wanted to join other groups, apparently no one cared and I let it be. I got back to playing, the game updated to 2.0 at that time so it keep my interest. The group finally died out as recently people finally left or quit playing, there are still 3 active people there, I left the group last week and joined another group the group that is currently top #2 on the server and I like it here, though our leader seems to think we can beat #1 even though they have the strongest people on the server.

    In my opinion the dinamic of the people of the server plays a role, I never joined the top groups and stayed in my dead one because people there seemed to be "toxic" and stuff. Top #1 and #2 currently are polite to one and other, they don't cause drama in world chat and I noticed plundering does not happen as often as it used to because even though we are merged activity is going down, some plunderers just have to run convoy nowadays or most people get support. There are five active groups from them 4 groups do GNW. All of the active groups have strong people spread out. Top #2 in GNW is the group that is the most active and top #1 is the one with more power.

    The merged servers still lose players every week, but I think if the current balance is kept we can hold on for a while.

Man, compared to my story that sounds way worse. I've had something almost simiar to that on my original server. We had top 3 teams, but most, if not everyone, was pretty chill. The rivalry was playful and such despite the lack of number. I started on the server since the first day it came out, and the group has gone through 3 leaders with now the current leader being the former senior, and now i'm the senior of said group.
But uh, I digress. That's another server.

Back on my server that I switched over too. I could consider asking what people I have left in my group about a merge to the next group. Everyday I send out group messages about any suggestions they have,
or ideas to improve our group. They seem ample to help, yet don't have many ideas. Some seem very lax about the group's downfall as a whole which I don't mind seeing as this is a game.

But this being a game based on competition, you can't help but feel some ambition for trying to be the best at something, right? Right now I don't currently care about individual status as opposed to group status.
I feel if we merge with the next group we'll become weaker. Our rival group is passive aggressive even if they don't seem to outright say it. My former leader and senior constantly plunder their former members and me being the main threat on the ground I c*ready fortell me becoming a common, pack-less member to keep my power in check. That, or petty comes to petty they kick me out the group after accepting me.

Yes, i've seen it done before for the sake of people with big power getting shut down.
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On 2017-07-17 14:08:33Show All Posts
  • On 2017-07-17 13:58:13
  • Well when I was leader, all the time other groups were recruiting from us so I was always forced to recruit people of low level that no one wanted at the time, I invited people rather than recruit in world chat, but as you say even weak people preferred the top groups anyway. Our original leader made a group that he intended to turn into a top group and managed to recruit the few strong people we had left at that time. So even though I used to be the weakest person in the group I found myself in the position of leader and the strongest member of the group at one point which made me feel bad to even consider leaving XD.

    What I did was simple, I kept the group going helped people when I could, I didn't talk much in chat or pm'd a lot cause I * at socializing :/ but when people asked I tried to answer and I let people know if they wanted to quit the group it was fine I wouldn't hold a grudge against them. Most of our people is still playing the server even though they quit the group the fact is that when they couldn't join a group ours was open to them and I always helped so people could do their TI every week. From the merged servers, the one I started in is the one with the most players still left and I recognize most of the names, a bunch of them are in my friend list.

    This week when I joined the group I am in I got instantly pm's and people talking in chat glad we were back in a group together. And even though my former members have out grown me in power by a f**kton lot. I didn't think they would think about me or that they would think I was *eless leader.
    This post was last edited by 104***@facebook at 2017-7-17 14:02
Hm, I see.

I wish to have something like that, I honestly do to a certain point. I'm not the most social *erfly, but I answer and chatter in group chat whenever people ask me for advice or help with something. Casual conversation is very scarce. A few weeks ago I spoke with both the leader and senior of the rival group, so I do have some sort of way to communicate with them. It's just how to get a proper message across without seeming desperate or demanding is the issue.

Like I said, don't have many friends on this server. Most things friendly that're tossed in my direction is a 'gj' after beating the #1 top leaderboard in ranked from my group, or a 'ty' from helping them with TI or other events.
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On 2017-07-17 22:38:25Show All Posts
  • Ramen-kun On 2017-07-17 20:12:05
  • I know you've been making progress on your current server, but maybe it's time to consider moving to a server that's flourishing more than your current one.

    I have a friend on my server who decided to swap servers because of his old server's issues and I think he's much happier in my server now, and seeing how we recently got merged, our combined server is really much more lively.

    However, I don't think your server seems to have much chance of a merge until many months later, which by then you'll lose all interest to play. Dying servers are sadly common, so perhaps it's a better idea to move to one with more life, even if it means starting all over. Maybe if you make friends you can ask for an account that isn't in use anymore as well, then you won't be completely starting over.
Well, you see. Currently this is my secondary server. My original server is ny day one. It had a server merge about a month ago and I was stoked, but I decided to try another server for the fun of it, use my non-rookir knowledge and see how far I get. Was going to quit the second account until I pulled Sage Naruto on 90 pulls so I didn't want to waste the account.

But, maybe I should take a break and head back to my original server. Atleast there I have less stress and theres more people. At the same time though I dont want to abandon my current group like our former members did. This post was last edited by Ⴚoblin at 2017-7-17 22:39
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On 2017-07-17 22:42:48Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-07-17 22:34:57
  • To be fair, all I did was ask you a question, I have 0 idea what you said in your post to get you banned.
I'm curious to know whwt his post was.
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On 2017-07-17 22:51:22Show All Posts
  • Waifuu On 2017-07-17 22:45:54
  • If you are currently the 2nd group on server and getting GNW giftpacks then all is fine, because I think that GNW gifts are the main reason why you should be in the group in the first place.

    However, if you are not getting GNW giftpacks then i would 100% recommend a fresh start because you will not be getting any packs if you merged groups.

Yeah, I've considered that option. Every GNW I have enough packs to give to the remains of my group and then some, which is great. Although we get a lacking of group funds from being second place, and its also somewhat demoralizing for some of my members.

As I said prior though this server I'm currently speaking on was my fresh start, and I'm considering going back to my original server. Still a lot to think about, I thank everyone so far for their input. Still welcomed to more suggestions.
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On 2017-07-17 23:02:29Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-07-17 22:56:36
  • What is the state of your old server anyways? I know it was merged, but is it going to be hard for you to get GNW Packs if you joined a group? Or is it going to be like a plague in the chat where no one will chat?
The server and group is fine actually. Ive been part of a group on my original server since day one. Though we merged with 2 servers that have some top players with top groups. We can barely enter GNW and when we do its almost a masscre.
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On 2017-07-17 23:21:22Show All Posts
  • Waifuu On 2017-07-17 23:10:55
  • So is the reason why the members are demoralized because they get plundered daily? or is it because of being 2nd place?

    Because plunder is another problem in itself, even if you had more active members, nothing would change.

    As for 2nd place GNW, the only difference is 1 legendary pack and some group victory points. So I do not think there's any big issue there. You could perhaps explain to your members that they are getting elite packs whereas other members which joined the #1 group are possibly only getting hero packs or have to be on pack rotation. So your members are really the ones really benefiting from those quitters. :)
Oh yeah, when it comes to giving out packs we're basically swimming in it. It's possibly the only real upside to people leaving. Rotations aren't that much of a hassle because everyone is fine with what they get and such.

Though the demorilzation comes from losing GNW based on unfortunate cir*stances, and a leader of said group not really deserving their GNW title rank. So far ever since our former leader and others left the group to join our rival group, they've still had issues trying to take us down despite their overwhelming numbers. We've had chances to win by tactics alone, but lose out when it comes to numbers.
It's hard to watch after you beat their top 3 players for a spot on 10 point battle field, then lose out because they just have enough stacked 3 to wipe you out.

I'm not one to be bitter, or never have I wanted to be bitter about the situation. The fact of the matter is it's annoying to see your rival group take your former leader
and use them against you. Said group used to be 2nd and wouldn't even think about plundering our group.
Now with their new 'weapon' they've suddenly gained courage and started winning more. It's lame to see,
know what I mean?
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On 2017-07-17 23:48:58Show All Posts
It's not false, it's from my point of view of things. You never spoke about the group about your thoughts of concerns about you leaving, nor brought these issues up with the group before you left. You simply left without a word, and said you told the members who were online at the time - which were possibly about 3 to 4 people.

I'm not upset, I'm simply trying to find the best solution for the situation you put your former group in. The people who have left haven't spoken on their dislikes about the group, and instead of trying to improve and talk it out you all simply leave and join the next group. Even now our members are confused as t why you left.

But I digress, I didn't make this post for any radical shade thrown your way, which is why I've refrained from doing anything other than speak my mind.
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On 2017-07-18 00:00:28Show All Posts
  • Narluc On 2017-07-17 23:55:14
  • Actually when Bull still played we did, but it didn't work. Me and Bull tried to make the group talkative but didn't work, I can't force people to do something they dont want to do. And ive became really good friends with Kie after bull left, I rather pick the weakest group but have a closets friends with me. How I said every one who left, left because they choosed too. Not to steal the memebers away. If you ever talked to Tentails you will know they cool, talkative , fun people. Which is why I left. Even if they were the weakest group I would still have joined them. Because they fun and great people.
You missed the entire point of my comment and only went on to comment on how fun and nice the group you're currently in are. I get that, but what I'm trying to say is this.

You left without any formal means. You and Bull never spoke as much, and i've asked our members in the past about this subject. Besides helping for TI and other events, not a lot of us talked. I'll give you that our group was infact a bit bland, but we could of fixed that. You never spoke on these issues but instead pushed leader onto me after complaining you can't be a leader then left with another player.

Which also didn't help your image seeing as said player demanded coming back if I handed them 3 legendary GNW packs in a row.

This isn't about what group is fun and happy Sabina. It's about how you handled the situation.
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On 2017-07-18 00:10:50Show All Posts
Again, you're missing the entire point and being very narrow minded about this. I never ignored Kie, we have a decently long conversation that had no sort of bad vibes, ignoring them is quite the opposite.
I understand though, I won't fault you for not seeing this through. I could be taking this way too serious,
or maybe not serious enough. Who knows. I can see trying to explain this to you is a lost cause so I'll leave it at that.

Beyond all this, I'm still welcomed to advice from anyone else about my situation.
Quicky Post

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