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[ Lineup ] Rescue the Jinchuriki : 2mins?


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On 2017-07-08 02:42:38Show All Posts
  • IamAscrub On 2017-07-07 21:01:27
  • It is possible in theory:
    - All 3 teams need to try minimize combo connections; combo waste time for the sake of getting a fast jinchuriki rescue time.
    - 2 fast tendo teams with mabui, tendo, wb asuma. You can fire tendo mystery immediately and not waste any time with combos. Have tendo target someone immune to float conditions.
    - 3rd player providing buffs to tendo and provide a float immune target; such as earth main, shurado, chikushodo, konan, with earth main on slot 1 and slot 2 having lower init than the tendos.
    - Make sure you play on 1x. Tendo mystery animation doesn't go faster in 2x, but makes the timer tick a lot more.
    - Pray that on wave 2, you do not meet ninjas that recover hp on deaths such as danzo or jig.
    - Pray that your opponent has a float immune ninja to target with tendo. 2x tendo mystery with sufficient number of crits would clear it.
    This post was last edited by IamAscrub at 2017-7-7 21:03
I'll do you one better:
3 teams of lighting main(armor, +chakra normal attack, lightning enhancement), tendo, wb asuma +X
Where X differ for each team, being chikushodo, konan and shurado

Only Chikushodo and Konan would chase (one is 10 combo, one is knockdown to knockdown) long as you ensure main don't chase. So use the shurado one first, then the other to minimal chases.

Might do it, 3 +140% nin/atk tendo drops...

Just my guess....
Edit: you know what, replace one of the WB asuma with a darui for barrier, say the 3rd tendo. Then we'd have two 180% and a 150%. the two 180% should wipe field.
Put lightning main move 1, tendo move 2.
This post was last edited by PraiseLuka at 2017-7-7 10:47
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On 2017-07-08 09:02:27Show All Posts
  • Dym On 2017-07-08 08:03:42
  • Nope, this is a better pvp team for more burst, but the other team is much better in terms of animation speed. This team will take over 3 minutes for buffs and light main attacks alone.

    But i don't think it was tendos either way, tendos aren't even fastest, chocolate hidans or chojuros beat tendos for time on our server.
Check your work please

First, how long does it take to apply buffs:
Test: Darui, Bee, jigokudo, wind main with wind buff:
result: 3 second for battle to load, 6 seconds for buffs to apply (here, the buff is jigokudo, darui barrier, bee's two part buff(thou one ability)--like konan and wind main wind buff, like LM lighnting buff) this is actually more than what I suggested, per team, but serve as good enough basis.

Second, how long does it take for lightning main to cast mystery and perform 4 "attacks"?
I used bee + mabui for this test, from the time after bee's passive triggers(before each action) to after the
4th action of mabui (2 pump 2 heals), 10 seconds (note that you only need 3, as there is WB asuma, so no not using demon talent, should make it 8 seconds)

Third, as I don't have tendo, an estimation of how long it takes to do a tendo drop, I used kazekage, which is somewhat similiar. 7 seconds.

How long does it take to complete a round of battle? Worst case scenario:
loading time: let's say 5 seconds for 3v3 instead of 3 for 1v1
buff time: let's say 6x6= 36 seconds
(on a side note, it took 20 second for ranked battle start period, including loading and buffing. While I know it says it's 2x, usually it isn't really. Still, even if we double that time, it's less than this estimate, so I think we are safe there, the 5+36 can only be an overestimate. Mind you, my ranked team have 3 passive barrier, which is by far the slowest of "buff" animation)
battle time: LM mystery + 3x LM actions: 8x3=24 seconds
3x tendo drop 3x7=21 seconds
1 minute 26 seconds per round, 2 minute 52 seconds to complete both stage of battle.
Granted, this indeed didn't quite make the "deadline" of 2:22, but it's certainly faster than what you think it is.

So, how can it be faster?
For starters, i think my buffing etc time is over estimated, can probably shave off 5 seconds per round there.
Second, if we expect 2 tendo to 'solve" the problem, team 3 c*e a minimal action time ninja in spot 1, say akatuchi, just so team 1&2 can get to their parts faster. And also, it means no 3rd tendo needed. overall, this would mean that instead of 8+7 second action for the first two char, it would be instead like 2 second for the action of one char, shaving 13 seconds off each round, for 26 seconds total.
2 min 56 seconds - 26 seconds - 10 seconds = 2 min 20 seconds.

So in theory, a full tendo buff team, if it can kill the enemy with two buffed tendo drops, will be able to complete in the allotted time.
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On 2017-07-09 19:06:15Show All Posts
  • Lvl14RuneStone On 2017-07-09 18:48:22
  • have you even tried this? the 3rd tendo doesn't kill for this event. there is some bug. atleast for the ones that i have tried. have tried with 3 different teams each having tendos. 1 of the tendo doesnt get to skill , some bug.
I haven't tried this as I said in my post that I do not have tendo.

I'm not aware of any bug with tendo like that, I'm merely theory crafting a team that is fast and have a high theoretical damage output.

Are you certain that you are seeing the correct result? Specifically, there is, for example, a known bug where repulse's knockback damage sometimes doesn't display properly. So is the 3rd tendo really not doing damage?

In any case, if you can replicate the bug reliably, you might want to submit a report w/ screenshots or video. (in case of screenshot, show a "before" picture where the mystery is queued and the health condition of the enemy, and a after for after the mystery is cast). Because indeed, that sounds like a bug.
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On 2017-07-10 06:58:10Show All Posts
  • Lvl14RuneStone On 2017-07-10 06:48:53
  • yeah , we have tried this since rescue jinch event started. the 3rd tendo just doesn't get to skill (having 80c in hand ie). he is allowed to skill in the next round itself.

    and reg this bug being fixed, i am sure it is in some future update and there is no point submitting here as the mods here cant do anything about it, they just convey ... the devs just look if its fixed anywhere and let them know and the mods will say 'this will be fixed'. so I know what is going to happen , i just need to wait for the right patch to be applied. The mere handling of customer support here is a joke but yeah.

    I want to try a Mabui, Tendo, Asuma, WindMain team though... so wave 2 will get to do 6x tendos and hopefully clear it off sooner
I wonder if it's the long animation causing timing failures....

Were all the tendo in spot 2? Have you guys tried putting them in different spots? Would be slower (since all the other ninjas would act) but maybe that will let it go off at least. And/or perhaps auto?
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On 2017-07-10 07:18:01Show All Posts
  • Loaf On 2017-07-10 07:01:12
  • It's more than likely 1 really strong player with Tendo Pain and maxed buffs.

    Generally, Tendo team is: MB (+80 chakra with lightning armor/bloodthisty) +nin/tai to lightning ninjas
    Tendo slot 2, Asuma WB(+nin/tai max hp), and:

    Hashirama (+nin) Tobirama (+tai) Shurado (+tai) Chikoshodo (+nin) Konan (+nin/tai), Darui/Danzo(barrier for lightning) all buff Tendo from any formation.

    My Tendo at around 27k bp can generally wipe the board if I can collect all the buffs, just try to minimize the combo chance of the other players turn 1 ninjas. I tend to get around 3min clear time with a few combos going off. The real problem is the lag of the battle taking up 1min+ becuse of ppl with slow computers or the network.

You don't need bloodthirsty thou.
You start with 20+20(WB Asuma), Lightning armor cost 20, so you'd have 20 left. Tendo cost 80, so you only need +60, which 3 attacks form lightning armor is enough.

1 less animation is just a tad bit faster

And since you listed 6 global buffers, which the other team have sufficient room for, your forth ninja can be gnw1010 for the crit or guy or something like that. Never hurts to have more buff.

Other team move 1, they can just use their main, every main have a non-attack basic except fire, and fire have 2 basic attack that don't combo.

Earth main have shield, water main heal, wind main summon clone, lightning +chakra, fire main have dance and sleep, I guess sleep is faster maybe. Most of those have faster animation than most normal attacks

Edit: also make sure everyone is using the right talents. Your lighting talent aside, no other begin of round talent(buff, summon, debuff whatever) should be used. Water should be, for example, poison tai and neuro toxin whereas wind would be queen's momentum and charkra coordination and so on. This will minimize the begin of battle animations and shave off a few seconds more. A bit extreme but if we are going ballz to the wallz...

This post was last edited by PraiseLuka at 2017-7-9 15:31
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-10 07:29:11Show All Posts
  • Lvl14RuneStone On 2017-07-10 07:16:44
  • yeah, all at #2. one of us couldnt do auto as he brought the prev.called animal pain. and i dont do auto so i target my opp main. could try #2,3,4 positions too and see. will let you know. ty
If it's only the 3rd tendo that have problem, you could try 2,2,3 first.
Also, only whoever is 3rd would require auto, seeing how first 2 are working fine. Might require init rune adjusting, but make it the one that's not animal path and not you be the 3rd and on auto could work maybe?
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On 2017-07-10 16:32:48Show All Posts
  • JustAClone On 2017-07-10 16:30:54
  • Wait, we should play Jinchu-Rescue on x1 speed? I thought it was like 9-tails or something where x2 speed is best lol. so the timer ticks x2 as fast as well, huh? . . .
    anyone else can support this?
Timer indeed ticks 2x as fast on 2x speed.
However, due to animation render speed, the fight isn't actually 2x speed, more like 1.5x
So you end up having a timer that is ~2/1.5=1.33 times longer, which is bad.
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On 2017-07-11 02:05:20Show All Posts
  • .SAm On 2017-07-10 16:36:21
  • It's simple i finished it in 3mins im level 82 and i did it with level 32 if level 32 will start jinju you can do it with him/her but if you will start you can't so if you will do it with 2 strong players and 1 low level player and if he/she will start it will be super easy
If you pay attention, you will see that the screenshot is of 80-100 division, so that is not the case.
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On 2017-07-12 12:38:36Show All Posts
  • .SAm On 2017-07-11 18:16:13
  • why don't you try it xD?i did it like 6 or 7 times
Are you implying that a 40+90 team will fight enemy of the 40s difficulty yet go on the ranking for the 80-100(90) bracket?
If that's how it works, it's obviously an abuse-able bug that needs to be reported.

If not, what's your point?
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On 2017-07-13 03:54:55Show All Posts
  • .SAm On 2017-07-12 17:33:09
  • yes you can do that but level 40 should start it and i don't know about that it's a bug or not because many players are doing it like this
I don't think you quite understand.

Yes, it is EASY to get a super short time using that method

BUT, if you do, it SHOULD NOT show up on the 80-100 bracket ranking, which is shown on the screenshot posted.

Therefore, that is NOT what happened.
Quicky Post

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