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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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  • Posts: 1
On 2017-07-07 21:01:42Show All Posts
My story:

I am the leader of the strongest group in our server and ranked 1st in power so im quite popular. I am also a good leader , always helping my members and having a good attitude all the way.. One evening im just doing missions and nothing much then i saw this guy with a jonin medal. I checked his account but hes still weak even with a jonin medal so i sent him a message, asked him to leave his group and join in mine. A few days passed, and out of the blue, i chatted him and asked if i could borrow his account and i will boost his power. He agreed because he knew i was a good guy. He gave me his fb password. To my surprise, this "guy" turns out to be a girl. Hahahahaha really i was never expecting that. Then she sent me a message in fb "hey boss its me ****". We had a friendly chat after that. Ive done powering up her account. The time when she logged in her account she was so happy about her power now and thanked me many times. After that happened we became best game buddies in naruto online and sometimes we go to beautiful spots in naruto (e.g. final valley, snow mountain, konohas hilltop) and just stay there , chatting and talking about random things. We also became close friends in fb too! Then the rest is history. THANK YOU NARUTO ONLINE for making people connect to each other, even if we live in different places. Hello Mandy Mo we became close buddies thanks to naruto online!
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