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[ Strategy Share ] Seal scrolls question


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 6
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On 2017-07-05 07:19:53Show All Posts
Wait until you are level 70 for the kage treasure and hope you get kazekage gaara and killer bee
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 6
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On 2017-07-05 11:41:51Show All Posts
  • Slacker. On 2017-07-05 11:06:42
  • Just wait, theres nothing you can get now with 1 draw that will make an immediate impact (unless you're super lucky with SN, and theres a 66% chance that wont happen).

    Also, you should only draw during seal events. Sure you might think 1 or 2 rebates dont matter that much, but every little bit adds up particularly for f2p.

    Kage's have been around since December. With 3.0 being released this month, I would wait and see at least how things change when Han and company enter the fray, before committing for a 6 month old treasure. If you look at CN fight videos, not much autobarrier kages are used any more with the rise of jinchurikis and better ninjas. (which means that other than the utlity ninjas from kage like mifune and bee, you might not get the best value from this any more - and these guys require synergy with other ninjas too).
But since he is only lvl 65, it is safe to say he doesn't have a lot of decent characters and only have access to instance ninjas. Kage treasure allows players once they lvl to 70 access to decent commons and rares while he begins to build a much stronger team. The only equivalent treasure that allows this is the GNW treasure but that's in the future.

To the OP, like I said before, go for kazekage gaara and bee if you are *ing with wind main. After getting those ninjas, you can go for sage naruto and han (once he comes out).

If you feel you have characters best suited for other classes, then ask for recommendations before you switch
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