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[ Events ] Lucky ninja packs (dice event) completely broken


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On 2017-06-30 15:02:42Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hi there. as the title says.Note that i did not spend a single ingot since i do not recharge except for the 300 ingots a month pack & jonin.
Everything is obtained trough daily coupons & events.
Last month i made a post how i got in the first day tendo pain from my first 3 lucky ninja packs.

The day after i got hashirama from only 2 more packs. Thus this means i got both of those from just lucky ninja packs.
Yesterday the event came back. i had 200 coupons and i spend them. I received 1 pack (unlucky low rolls on dices)
I receive choza 80 fragments. Alright cool. I went to do daily stuff and got my 2 free dice. Went into the event , got another pack. 80 kiba GNW fragments.

Concludes :
May : 5 packs - tendo pain , hashirama
June : 2 packs - Choza , gnw kiba

What the actual f....?

I know i'm not the only one being this "lucky". in my server like 10 people got hashirama
Have a look at my links posted page 3 so u can chek my acc
This post was last edited by 187***@facebook at 2017-7-5 03:57
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On 2017-06-30 15:17:57Show this Author Only
I opened like 20 of the packs and got nothing :L
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On 2017-06-30 16:07:11Show this Author Only
What level are you btw?

I opened dozens each time and never got a good ninja... I don't think I've gotten a ninja period.

There was some su*ions that lower level players are more likely to get good stuff in such packs, to entice them to stay with the game and/or spend. So if you were on a newer server....

On my server, there are very very few player who gets the ninja, probably only one or two a month. It's a very old server where half the active people are 90.
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On 2017-06-30 16:10:47Show this Author Only
Currently lvl 75
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On 2017-06-30 20:36:04Show this Author Only
People are getting Rare Ninja too easy from this Luck Ninja Pack, like seriously.

PLUS they also remove Lucky Ninja Pack from Shop tho.
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On 2017-06-30 20:45:10Show this Author Only
You must be extremely lucky then no one else is getting these kind of rates here. You can open hundreds of packs and not get hashirama
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On 2017-06-30 20:46:07Show this Author Only
opened 100 packs, nothing
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On 2017-06-30 20:51:57Show this Author Only
Someone messaged me im lying & need to provide proof
I can't prove the lucky moments but here are my ninjas. This should prove i have not pulled a single time in the pain treasure. Nor did i pull enough times to get hashirama
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On 2017-06-30 21:19:07Show this Author Only
ive opened about 100 and nothing
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On 2017-06-30 21:27:47Show this Author Only
I guess you are blessed by RNGsus :-) On our server only 2 guys ever got something from Lucky Ninja packs and those weren't the best ninjas at all. They got Sasori 100 puppets and GNW Kiba. I hope your luck will continue, guys like you give me some hope that I get something too :-)
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On 2017-06-30 23:58:45Show this Author Only
The point here is that you should do some research first before complaining that it's broken. The only way the can fix it is take away those ninja from you since clearly you had far too many :p
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On 2017-07-01 12:43:49Show this Author Only
It's just RNG. I've long suspected that -MAYBE- lower level/bp players have a much higher chance also, that the first few people to participate are nearly guaranteed so that it shows people the reward is obtainable.
As someone that paid 900ish seals for Tendo and Hashirama it doesn't really bother me that random ppl get them for free. They're a part of the game and it prob makes ppl super happy to obtain them even though they are long past their "god mode meta."

The RNG rewards in this game is mind boggling. 2 ppl spin a wheel for a ninja, 1 gets it in 5 spins the other in 760 spins. But hey, thats what a 0.0001% chance looks like on a stat spread - someone has a chance to hit it right away. I'd just be happy you get to have the ninjas for free, f2p can basically never obtain hashirama thru coups and have any amount of power.
This post was last edited by Loaf at 2017-7-1 12:46
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On 2017-07-02 08:20:24Show this Author Only
Ive never got a single ninja from the lucky packs and i always spend around 2k on the lucky board each month.
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On 2017-07-02 08:40:29Show this Author Only
I got GNW Kiba a long time ago, but after that? Nothing
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On 2017-07-02 13:24:32Show this Author Only
I know I've gotten gnw Neji once from these packs, but that's about it
Mission boxes on the other hand, they're my favorite box, I got Sasori(100 puppets) and Tendo from them.
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On 2017-07-03 04:50:01Show this Author Only
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On 2017-07-03 20:37:41Show this Author Only
umm I dont know if ur complaining or something but i have spend 30k ingots on lukcy board and not a single ninja
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On 2017-07-04 07:24:27Show this Author Only
last time I opened 900 boxes and got nothing :'(
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On 2017-07-04 14:37:10Show this Author Only
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On 2017-07-04 15:07:49Show this Author Only
Got gnw kiba only on my 1st pack xD
Quicky Post

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