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[ Events ] Event Feedbacks - 29th June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 8
  • Posts: 49
On 2017-07-03 01:56:57Show All Posts
Example:-Server : 433
Region : UK
Current BP : 45K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya
Reasoning : With the new treasure and metagame, it is very hard to find a spot for Sage Jiraiya, a universal ninja which can suit into multiple type of strategy would be better like for exemple : Sage Naruto. On top of that, it has been Sage Jiraiya for past few months for the lucky board! A new ninja would be a good change.
Also adding some other items for BP like lvl 3 refine would be a great idea in order to make us spent more in that event.
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments and add refine lvl 3.

Events : Rebate refine/time limited refine

It's a very good idea to put together those two events, my server loves it. Will be very good if it continues that way.

Event : Lucky *

A big event where i should spent my gold but ... no because you loose a lot, it's not worth it... Why ? Because some rewards ...
2 bonds scrolls should be 10 bonds scrolls (50 golds for 2 bonds scrolls :@)
2 seal frag --> 1 seal scroll (:L for 50 golds )
20 coupons --> 50 coupons ( 50 golds for 20 coupons ;P)
If u change those things, people will spent more according to my server feedback
Quicky Post

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