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[ Events ] Event Feedbacks - 29th June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-02 15:45:43Show All Posts
  • Hasahyo On 2017-06-30 16:58:34
  • Server : 64
    Region : UK
    Current BP : 106k BP
    Events : Lucky Board, Slot machine, Lucky *, Spending event
    Opinion : Lucky board: this event is outdated for our version
    Reasoning : who cares about jiraya now, even stuff there is good only for ppl from new servers, redeem shop has limit only 100 for refine runes, there should be also adv runes for example etc,
    Suggestions : replace Sage Jiraiya - sage naruto, one of field ninjas for example can be good replace too, bring us the new version which is in Germ*ready, it is more expensive but rewards are 100x better

    Opinion : Slot machine
    Reasoning : again tsunade ??? she is here nearly every week, spenders have her like 4-5* already, boring to have same stuff again and again + you put her even in spendint event ??? why 2x omg....for real
    Suggestions : replace her in slot machine and also what about to make 2 versions of slot machine, 1 week -> magatams lvl 5 for attack and ninjutsu in there and 2nd week for defense, resistance and life ? or put there lvl 5 all types of magatams...I know big spenders, even me, who will spend again in slot machine if we have more types of magatams there and replaced tsunade on 1st place. for now that event is useless for me and other spenders who got her.

    Opinion : Lucky *
    Reasoning : spending 50 c/i for 1 spin where half of the board has value below 50 is dumb idea... stamina potion ? 2 seal fragment ? 1x lvl 3 maga ? 50 coupons/ingots to get 20 back wtf ??? 3 puri runes ? 2 mood scrolls ?? all this is NOT worth it at al and to add to the idiocy you put there 80 frags of hokage ??? for 500 spins = 25 000 c/i ....WORST event ever, 2nd worst is golden eggs
    Suggestions : rework it or remove it...this event has 0 value for spenders, ppl who saved up their coupons and are patience have enough brain to wait for sage event or lucky board for new players.

    Opinion : spending event
    Reasoning : the "best" at the end !!! I dont know if you wanna f@ck with us or you are just happy to piss off spenders but this event is on the good way to do so. 1st of all again tsunade ? not enough from slot machine ? for the 2nd...great insult ever btw - putting COINS for spending 20-30k ingots this is beyond ridiculous. spending money to get * coins, just wow. and final price for 40k getting RANDOM red rune ?
    Suggestions : NEVER ever put coins for spending real money, just dont do it...never go full * guys, thats not proffesional. if you wanna put red rune as reward, do it like hokage pack, so player who spent 40 000 ingots = 800$ can atleast choose what kind of red rune he wants to pick from pack. this is very simple and more attractive reward. obviously boost the rebate on spending event...more magatams, more rainbow mags, for example add there 50-100 adv runes instead of that f@cking coins, protection puri runes or key packs etc. you already earned so much money you can run this game for years and be still in green numbers. so whats the problem to give us more "game currency" rebates ?

    one more suggestion: why not add some event for f2p players, for example here on forum or ingame where they can win 300 ingots so winners can buy atleast monthly card ingame and get 1800 coupons back ? some random act of kindness for community and for players who cant spend ? maybe this way your new servers will not die in 1 day and ppl will not leave like they did in last 2 weeks. your game is going down and really fast. balance the pvp - change rewards in sage and matsuri atleast or matchmaking, and start reading our feedbacks and talk with community, pretty please.

my brother said it all !!!! well said !! 1000% with you .
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