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[ Events ] Event - 29th June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-29 15:36:26Show All Posts
  • GoldenUchiha On 2017-06-29 06:10:58
  • bad events :/
I don't think you really know how the game works do you? What would be a good event then? If you think it's bad, go explain your comment in the event feedback. The synergy this time is crazy good, double refine events, plus lucky board...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-29 15:37:31Show All Posts
  • sk8erboil On 2017-06-29 15:00:13
  • I guess GNW Sakura is not the final reward of the 1 year anniversary. Someone mentioned b4...the official server open date was in 2016-7-26...there is still 3 more week to the 1 year anniversary...ofc...I assume the best reward in 1 year anniversary is swimsuit Temari...but still cost like 5000-6000 ingots.
Yeap true, there's still a whole month of June events to come. Hopeful that there's some really fun stuff, and good rewards for all! Lols. Additionally maybe 3.0 surprise release, Jinchu 2 at the end of July, or something heh.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-30 11:14:50Show All Posts
  • asaro On 2017-06-29 16:32:33
  • you can have 30 event if you haven't enought ad refine its useless , and also so useless to buy med refine u have a lot free
Trying to make sense of what you're saying. If you haven't saved up refines or coupons for lucky board, well, that's on your side isn't it? Med refines are obtainable from lucky board too by the way.
Quicky Post

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