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[ Ninja Profile ] Pain - Tendo - Ninja Discussion


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-25 15:58:21Show All PostsDescending Order
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Welp, with Ywan's return, I felt that it would be nice to try doing one of these again. And why not do one for this guy in particular, especially with everything that's been going on with him?

Pain - Tendo (Lightning)

Source: Pain Treasure, Event Rewards, Ultimate Training and Chase Missions xD

Traits: Male, Akatsuki, Hidden Rain, Rinnegan


Mystery: Catastrophic Planetary Devastation (80 Chakra, 2-round Cooldown, 0 Battlefield CD)
"Once this Barrier disappears, the opponent's entire team will suffer heavy Ninjutsu and Taijutsu damage. Also, those units will suffer from Knockdown. This skill is immune to interruption."
- Hybrid damage
- This is bad translation here - the Mystery replaces the active barrier and also deals damage.
- Has a cool animation

Standard: Taijutsu attack
"Attacks the opponent's front row and has a chance of a Triple Combo and to cause Knockdown."
- Taijutsu damage
- This might be just me personally, but I get the feeling that this Standard has a slightly increased combo rate. I dunno if this is actually the case though.

Chase: Chakra Black Receivers
"Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down unit, causes Acupuncture and Knockdown"
- Ninjutsu damage

Passive: Almighty Push
"Evade a Standard attack each round with a high chance of success. Character is immune to non-Elemental attribute Ninjutsu damage. (Double-Elemental attribute skills can cause this unit heavy damage)."
- I think this is mistranslation as well - double element Ninjutsu can still hit him, but I don't think it deals extra damage.
- Labeled as "Taijutsu"

Chase: Universal Pull
"Chases and attacks the Repulsed enemy, cause Knockdown, triggered twice per round."
- Ninjutsu damage

Tendo's stat growth from highest to lowest are Ninjutsu, Resistance, Defense, and Attack.

My thoughts:
76 free fragments from Ultimate Training = ultimate trap. I was lucky enough to get him as a freebie from the Missions gift boxes though. Overall, he seems pretty average but really shines with Pain teams of course to buff him up.

His high cost, 0 battlefield cooldown Mystery also adds a use for Lightning Mains with Lightning Armor, Bloodthirsty Demon, and Calm Mind - a combo that I've found quite interesting and funny honestly.

What are your thoughts about this character? Do you think running a full-Pain team is still a viable option in this meta? (honestly, probably not anymore... xD)

Quicky Post

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