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[ Ranked Battles ] Hi! ^_^ can you help me with formations for RB for AF


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-18 04:57:53Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hi everyone, Can anyone help me with lineups. In my server I usually can stand a fight but in RB the fire mains are kicking me and the male population isn't helping too much when I ask for help, U_U and I want to be in the top 5 as usually but my tactics aren't helping me this time.
This are my ninjas and my summons.

Ty to anyone who read this.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-18 06:55:54Show All Posts
  • Al3x On 2017-06-18 05:41:21
  • u are not on EN Servers , what you doing on this forum first of all ?

    and second i simple team for fire as a help would be

    Talents 2 3 2 2 1 - Snake Summon

    U get Chaos Control And pretty decent DMG .

    This post was last edited by 115***@facebook at 2017-6-18 05:42
Excuse me, where does it says that only those of EN servers c*e this forum??
Anyway I was asking for top, middle and botton teams for ranking battle.
Ty for your time.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
  • Posts: 5
On 2017-06-19 02:19:44Show All Posts
Ty everyone for the help ^_^ and your time.
Hope this works ^_^
If anyone else wanna help me...please do it
Quicky Post

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