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[ Suggestions ] Android and IOS


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On 2017-06-22 23:40:19Show All Posts
  • Naked Snake On 2017-06-18 16:34:23
  • Puffin Web Browser= Life! But you'll have problems for getting free draws to due resolution. But Puffin is the way to go if you wanna play it on mobile.
i know how to get free draw from mobile! you just need to enter and quit full screen until you get wider resolution on the browser. once you get the wider resolution, you can go left/right in the seal treasure section! works really well for me!
Edit : but once you enter the wide screen, don't enter full screen since it will resize it back to the small resolution, after you done free drawing, you can go ahead and enter the full screen again!
This post was last edited by TayuMaki at 2017-6-22 23:41
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