Views: 4711 | Replies: 15
[ Bugs ] S57-73 in wrong pvp bracket


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-12 17:33:42Show All Posts
  • Qolem On 2017-06-11 05:25:30
  • Hello,

    This situation is not considered a bug.
    Due to this, it was not a bug report, neither was it anything else CS related.

    I apologize if that was taken the wrong way, I will inform in more detail about closing of other threads, if there will be such a need

    Have a nice day :)
If this situation is not considered a bug, then what is it?
- Cheating on a massive scale
- Exploitation
- A big fat mistake by oasgames

or are you trying to say "it's working as intended" to cover up for one of the options above?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-12 21:59:12Show All Posts
  • Qolem On 2017-06-12 20:37:27
  • Hello to everyone here,

    The "issue" of brackets for S57-73 being in other set of servers than the supposed 38-169, is, as I mentioned before, not a bug.
    It is caused by the servers being held by different machines (servers, so to say, or computers, if you prefer to call it that)

    The brackets are set in accordance to this factor.

    Have a nice day everyone, hopefully this clarifies the reasoning behind brackets being the way they are :)
Oasgames moved S295-306 from one PVP bracket into the S176-291 PVP bracket within a short maintenance window. There should be no problem for Oasgames to move S57-73 into their intended bracket.

I'm not able to verify your statement about shared servers, since all EU servers are behind the same loadbalanced amazon cloudfront DNS pool
But I really doubt that shared servers are the reason behind this case. This post was last edited by 105***@google at 2017-6-12 22:05
Quicky Post

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