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S10 Uchiha Clan Recruitment!


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On 2016-08-19 16:48:33Show All PostsDescending Order
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♥Nala here, and we are the Uchiha Clan of S10 Shikamaru, and since we have recently upgaded to level 6 a few days ago we would like to welcome people to apply for the group!

But, what do you get for joining the group?

And the opportunity to be in the most powerful group of the server. :victory:
We are leading in both power and activity rate. Kfactor for the GNW results photo! xD)

And the group is always active -- members are always more than willing to help everyone out and answer questions.

Who we're looking for:
1. Respectable and mature individuals! You still need to be able to take a joke, but flaming and unnecessarily obscene comments/insults is not wanted and will not be tolerated.
2. Friendly people! Pretty self-explanitory.
3. Active and willing people! We can't stay the top group if all we did was AFK right?! Active members that will participate in weekly events and donate is a must.
3. At least 17 years of age! This isn't a requirement, but I swear this group has no chill and most of what we say isn't fit for those under 17. At least ye be warned!
4. At least level 40! Self-explanitory. You can still apply if you're level 39 or something, I'm sure my leaders won't mind. Shh.

Last but not least, you MUST be a player on S10 Shikamaru.

Leave your applications, questions, and comments below here in the thread!
Tell us why you want to be in the group and what made you apply.
After you've done that, go ahead and mail Shousho, Ketsuri, Xaean, or KOYBBOY in the game to let them know you've turned in an application. (I'll already be seeing it here lol
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On 2016-08-20 02:35:48Show All Posts
  • hell.nicklow@gm On 2016-08-19 20:41:07
  • I'm in Uchiha Clan on S3
Haha awesome! Represent! :victory:
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On 2016-08-20 02:36:40Show All Posts
  • Kenteiku On 2016-08-20 00:13:19
  • Technically we would still be winners of the GNW, more than likely, but serious shenanigans went on last week.

    We've also got our Group and Wheel updated so all we need to do is save to get to level 7! Which won't take long. :loveliness:

    (why don't I get a nickname huh)
hahahaha You can have a nickname if you want! I just don't want the list to get very long. ^-^
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On 2016-08-20 02:38:56Show All Posts
  • Kfactor5953 On 2016-08-20 00:40:57
  • o_0 You stole my Screenshots!

    Gonna cover a few things about this Group in a short period of time.

    1. Since the start of Server 10: Shikamaru, this has been the Group to beat. We at Iron Winter can only marvel at how effectively they can * up all of the best players with relative ease.

    2. You guys have nicknames for your Leaders? I wish we implemented that in our Group.

    3. You're restricting the age to be 17+, meaning we'll take to underage members then xD

    4. Nala = Mistress? I have to hear that story sometime. ^^

    Technically we would still be winners of the GNW, more than likely, but serious shenanigans went on last week.

    It was a mishap and it won't happen again. Iron Winter will NEVER beat Uchiha again. :handshake
hehe! Just the one screenshot
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On 2016-08-20 02:43:09Show All Posts
  • hell.nicklow@gm On 2016-08-20 02:39:58
  • Nala-chan we have Uchiha Clan in S3 also
hehe awesome! Good luck to you guys! :victory:
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On 2016-08-20 02:47:13Show All Posts
  • Kfactor5953 On 2016-08-20 02:45:47
  • Nope, Semifinals, assuming both of us win our first matches.
Oh! Good luck to you guys then! Chances are, I'll be cheering from the sidelines. Hopefully I can fight since it's been more than 7 days, though.
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On 2016-08-20 03:21:14Show All Posts
  • hell.nicklow@gm On 2016-08-20 03:10:41
  • Cept I can't join the war yet and I'm 65 lacking in Power 1 person in the group named Nanami-chan her Power's ova 20000 Nala-chan
That's some intense power! Goodness haha :victory:
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On 2016-08-20 03:27:33Show All Posts
  • hell.nicklow@gm On 2016-08-20 03:25:03
  • Hai Nala-chan cause most peoples have ingots and get Level 4 Magatamas
This is true!
Our server is getting there, though. The top person in our server at the moment is at 15.6k power... A member of our group is catching up at 15.4k though! We've been cheering him on :victory:
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On 2016-08-20 04:35:59Show All Posts
  • hell.nicklow@gm On 2016-08-20 03:33:05
  • Well I'm Mizu so is Nanami-chan Nala-chan
Mizu, as in the ethnicity?
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On 2016-08-20 06:03:05Show All Posts
  • hell.nicklow@gm On 2016-08-20 05:01:48
  • Mizu=Water Nala-chan
Oh, that's what you meant haha apologies.
I'm a fire nin :victory:
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On 2016-08-21 14:46:32Show All Posts
  • BIEN z On 2016-08-21 12:38:34
  • Hi I would like to apply. :)

    IGN : Bien
    Level : 59 ( I freezed my level for 5 days now )
    Age : 17
    The reason why I want to join : Free Pizza from Ark
    What Made you join? : Rei is bullying me... I need to grow stronger and pay him back! :@:@
LOL Bien you *nugget
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On 2016-08-22 13:27:25Show All Posts
  • hell.nicklow@gm On 2016-08-20 07:59:31
  • Faia hm

Yes, fire :victory:
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On 2016-08-22 13:57:37Show All Posts
  • TenNoRaijin On 2016-08-22 13:52:08
  • You make the group sound so awesome that it makes me wish i was on S10 just to join you :D :D ;P ;P :lol


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On 2016-08-22 14:37:35Show All Posts
  • Kenteiku On 2016-08-22 14:36:59
  • Goooooood


    Let your anger flow through you, with the almighty power of the Dark Side.
Yes, listen to him! He's a doktor :P
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On 2016-08-23 04:30:23Show All Posts
  • TenNoRaijin On 2016-08-22 23:45:30
  • Well, if he's a doktor, i should listen to him, shouldn't i? ;P :o
Yes, yes. Indeed you should :P :D
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On 2016-08-23 04:30:45Show All Posts
  • Kenteiku On 2016-08-22 15:26:29
  • I feel like there's a Dr. Pepper commercial here.
More comic ideas maybe?!
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On 2016-08-23 08:31:48Show All Posts
  • Kfactor5953 On 2016-08-23 05:30:59
  • Really loving the fanart Nala. Gives a sense of personality to the people who are using it. :P
Many thanks ♥
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On 2016-08-23 08:32:17Show All Posts
  • Kenteiku On 2016-08-23 06:53:28
  • Oh god I already had trouble with inspiration before.
wahahaa xD it's okay, don't force it!

Inspiration will come on its own **
Quicky Post

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