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[ Other ] X-Sage killing my group/server


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-03 07:32:18Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-06-03 06:48:19
  • I said EVIDENCE, you made a CLAIM, those are two different things.

    What server is Achroma on? I can find Sunami is on 98 on a certain post (top 25 in ANY server) but not achroma. I also don't know what the UK server clusters are, and unfortunately a new char, I believe, can't even view the space time thing to see the cluster.

    So as far as evidence goes:
    Screenshot of the Space time point ranking, to show that they are in the same server cluster.

    Screenshot of the sage field participant list (of any one SAME field, so either both mountain or both cave etc) to show that it's two different SWB and evidence that the specific player is in each of the two SWB.
    Note that to properly show the participant list, if you do it at the start, you have to go through all the pages as I have no confidence in them having a stable ordering, or you can get it near the end where it is sorted by points so pretty stable (but that would mean time away from fighting in the SWB)

    Now, I'm not saying that what you said isn't happening, all I'm saying that I have yet to see any evidence to back up such claims. What 988....@uf16 said could be true, and I would agree with you that the way he describes makes no sense. Either way, at the current moment evidence is lacking.
You can find Achroma on S60
This bracket is from S57 to S306 (used to be 291). With the exception of some servers like 89, 93, 98.
I'd love to know why.

This post was last edited by Eplox at 2017-6-3 07:37
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-03 16:24:52Show All Posts
  • Iroku Doi On 2017-06-03 07:48:08
  • its actually 38-169 that doesn't have 57-73 and 57-73 was added to 172-306(used to be 291) i wonder why 57-73 was moved to 172-306 ....
ah, then this makes sense.
Moderator doesn't want to play with the big boys, so he move himself and his friends to an easier bracket.

well, might be other reasons I don't know, but this is just sad...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-03 17:27:14Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-06-03 08:44:07
  • That's.... so confusing....

    In any case, it seems 60 and 98 are not in the same cluster so your example unfortunately doesn't show any problem with the matchmaking (as far as if it's working as intended. Again, I feel there are better way to go about it but that's another discussion altogether)

    And yeah, ANY Xserver stuff takes the cluster into account. This means masuri, arena, sage, time-space. I think it have to do server architecture, they can't just have every server communicate with ALL others efficiently so they do bundles.
arena does not follow the same brackets as matsuri, swb and space time does.
I've been matched against server 38-400+.

Arena is region based x-server.
Quicky Post

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