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[ Updates ] Events Feedback - 1st June


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 8
  • Posts: 46
On 2017-06-01 20:31:04Show All Posts
Server: 76
Region: UK
Current BP: 60k
Events: Monthly Event
Opinion: The current ninjas offered in Monthly are outdated and constantly repeated: Pains (Ningendo, Shurado, Gakido)
Reasoning: Those ninjas, although somewhat usefull in some lineups (but far from meta), are constantly repeated each month making the Monthly Event not offering anything interesting Ninja-case. Plus both Ningendo and Gakido can be farmed/received doing Plot and Elite Instances. At the beggining the Monthly Event offered variety of useful nin's like Sage Naruto, Darui, Danzo, Onoki, Chojuro etc. Putting in kage ninjas would allow players to get those that rng wouldn't allow them to get from kage treasure even though they are getting dupes now with every rare pull. More variety of ninjas will also encourage people to invest in Monthly Packs.
Suggestions: Replace Pains in Monthly Event with higher variety of ninjas, especially rares from Kage Treasure.
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