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[ Azure Fang ] Immortal teams and you, what's the issue, and how should it be fixed.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-05 06:04:12Show All Posts
When I use a 2 healer team (not immortal, just regular 2 healer team), I get beaten round 1, with 2-4 ninjas already dead, after lightning main does his standards. THAT is the problem at hand. People resort to immortals, because it counters blitz teams (and not always at that XD). If my Kimimaro gets all the best gear, he still gets killed round 1 for 1/3 fights.

I'd gladly desert Immortal team, but that's the best I c*e, in the meta filled with lightning blitz
This post was last edited by Qolem at 2017-6-5 06:05
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On 2017-06-05 11:29:34Show All Posts
  • Beji On 2017-06-05 09:23:52
  • I'm gonna take a wild (Not so wild really) stab in the dark and say this opponent who beat you in R1 with standards had much, much more power than you? Please, don't try to lie because I know from my own experience blitz teams with equal or less power don't do that sort of damage. (Unless of course you will admit to having a very clear defense or resistance deficiency)

    Qolem I think you are smart, I'm actually something of a fan. But I approach this topic with extreme scrutiny.

    EDIT: I have somewhat pointed out the error in bringing Blitz teams into the argument of immortal teams OPness but I want to stress a new point.

    Bringing up another sort of team formation while defending your own, in this case the immortal team, is a clear deflection. Guilty parties often resort to this tactic to attempt to cast the blame elsewhere. But it is not a suitable defense for the clear OPness of Immortal teams. And I'm not saying you are the only person doing this Qolem, this comment is more directed towards the community in general. I can make many points that indicate why Immortal teams are more OP than Blitz teams, and instead of refuting the claims I make for some reason a lot of Pro-immortals tend to try to deflect the blame back to Blitz.

    EDIT2: It's worth noting that I use a variety of teams. Sometimes it's blitz, sometimes it's immortal. Currently I am trying out a new CC team as an earth main. So, while I am a fan of the dying Fire Mains of this era I truly did make an effort to remain unbiased. Speaking from experience in using all sorts of teams recently it is of my firm opinion that immortal teams are more OP. But a simple experiment can easily solve this. Regardless of your power try out Blitz teams and Immortal teams. You will find that one of them allows you to fair much better regardless of your opponent. And if you look at that data objectively you will be able to identify which of the teams is more OP. Good luck my young scientists.
    This post was last edited by Beji at 2017-6-5 09:42
Just to take it in order, the opponent was at my power level, I may send you a replay of the fight (check your PM), if you so wish. I was so shocked after it, that I saved it, just to have a memory XD

I'm flattered to hear that you find me to be smart, and I can understand the careful approach, which I actually lacked with my previous statement. Bringing the topic of Blitz to discussion about Immortal may be a bit out of place, although my point was "people use Immortal, because of the blitz", and not neccesarily "we should ban blitz, because it's more OP than immortal". From my point of view the most effective defence against blitz is immortal, due to the experience of losing 3 ninjas T1, in an equal power fight.

I wish I found a team that is not immortal, but still gets me enough of a win/lose ratio to keep me invested in the game, and I'm doing my best, changing mains, trying out new teams, etc.
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On 2017-06-05 12:53:37Show All Posts
  • Beji On 2017-06-05 12:30:32
  • I can't really clearly see your HP in that video but is it safe to assume you weren't mooded Life? I'll confess that the Blitz team you fought did seem pretty * strong and the damage your sailor took from the repulse damage was ungodly. But if your life is in the 50ks I would say you aren't really using immortal teams in the way that I think most people have a problem with. For example with your power it should be possible for you to reach to the 70's or even close to 80ks. To be safe lets call it early 70ks tho.

    Also there is a HUGE difference between this double healer team and the triple healers. I imagine the results would be different if you had won the auto barrier. If only slightly. Add that with life moods and you see a totally different outcome.

    This brand of blitz team is only viable in R1 and it become a lot less effective after that round. Most players who use blitz teams will have Susanoo Sasuke, DP Hidan, ninja like that. When you mentioned dying in R1 I didn't expect this team to be the culprit even though it makes sense now. If you can make it out of R1 you should pull an easy win, of course that depends on if this team is also using Root. Considering the Lightning mains myst and attack choice I would assume he went for bloodthirsty demon instead but I cannot be sure.
My health was in 60k, it's true that my mood was on ninjutsu. But tbh, it shouldn't make much difference, if that Sailor is a 4 star ninja...
I'd use lifemood on my teams, but the problem is that heals are too low, and I get killed faster, ironically.
Results are indeed different from this team, when I use triple healer (aka immortal), but it still happens from time to time that my Kimimaro is blitzed to death round 1, altho that usually is with opponents 1-2k power above me.

Working on my init slowly, so I can start getting barriers, but I'm far from that, with my init being 20k below my power expectations :V

and the last, yes, it was bloodthirst here :)
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On 2017-06-05 12:55:22Show All Posts
  • warhubs On 2017-06-05 12:44:35
  • Hmm, never though this thread get this long, and have lots of known player and forumer i know or have interact with; reply with arguments and facts about 'immortal team'. Me, been using the setup but now i use blitz team instead for obvious reason (fast fight, can be used on many type ingame like ti, sw, 9tails, etc). Long story short, people tend to use (or mimic) team with the highest winrate (kudos to Kitai Suru for pointing this out) and yeah, much easier to be a follower then the leader .. until new and better tactic and teams comes out (Germany got the 3.0 update already so head ups).
    Like my old m*ways says to me : enjoy it while it last, or just endure it ;p
I can't disagree here, I use what brings me most wins XD I'm truly fed up with azure fang by now, so that's why I mentioned I try to find a team with better winrate, so I jump mains, ask people for some advice, and try teambuilding on my own :v
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On 2017-06-05 13:11:27Show All Posts
  • Beji On 2017-06-05 13:03:20
  • I do have *ternative team I've been experimenting with. Faster than an immortal team but slower than a blitz team. I've had pretty good results so far. It works pretty well against Immortal teams and blitz teams (As long as they don't have more than 10k power on me for the blitz (Oh and furthermore root of warrior. 10k+ power AND root of warrior seems to beat me so far.))

Hashi.... I think I might need him for some cool stuff, my current roster limits me a bit :V
Team looks cool though :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-05 13:46:56Show All Posts
  • Beji On 2017-06-05 13:19:39
  • I didn't expect much from the earth team at first, but it has really surprised me. I was a Fire main before all this immortal stuff happened then I spent some time as a water main, went back to fire and was just frustrated by the lack of originality both from myself and the community. Of course I was also frustrated by my lack of options. I do have some decent ninja but I am missing a lot of the current good meta ninja. So I began to investigate alternative formations and Earth main really caught my eye. Also I've had Hanzo for a long time and never really found a suitable PVP team for him until this team.

    It just looks like a random assortment of ninja but they each play their part. And I am pretty proud of this team. I'm not sure if anyone else has made one like it before or not, but I definitely created it on my own without copying anyone.

    Though it has yet to stand the test of time. It could very well die in a day or two if it fails me too often. Back when I was playing as Fire main I used Hiruzen, FM, Iruka and Hashirama for months. Saving my seals for Jinchuriki for all that time. But lately i've been pretty desperate to find a new solid alternative.
My ninja roster is mainly Sailor + all Kage rares/commons XD the rest is stuff like SN treasure rares, and the free ninjas... and Hanzo... Edo Haku... about this much :v

Fire main is my ultimate dream goal, water main gives me best winrate, earth main has most oryginality with teams, I hate lightning main (a personal thingy), and Wind main is just not fun to play XD

So far I still have hopes for fire, altho the only team I made from absolute 0, was an Earth team of Mabui, Kazekage and Sailor...

That being said, good luck with this team, hopefully it works :) I'm testing now SN Mei Sailor team with Wind Main... just because why not :B
Quicky Post

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