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[ Azure Fang ] Immortal teams and you, what's the issue, and how should it be fixed.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-30 04:42:15Show All PostsDescending Order
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The problem:Immortal teams are frustrating to play against, and 1 dimensional / unexciting to play.

Why is this a problem?
Ok, now let me preface this by saying "I am not salty". I understand optimisation within any game. I spent years playing games where theorycrafting the strongest option was the best way to play the games, and realise that people will always choose the easiest path to success.

However in a game where team makeup and tactics are at least 50% of the pvp experience, I'm sure even Oasis realises the nerfhammer needs to come down fairly soon.

*ysis of why immortal teams feel "unfair":
So what is it that makes immortal teams so frustrating? In short they counter their own counter.

The game is designed around a concept of atribute weakness (wind>lightning>earth>water>fire>wind) and buffs/debuffs. There are specific debuffs that focus specific things eg poison beats high hp. The thing that is supposed to beat healing is ignite. The issue with an immortal team they clear so many debuffs that the ignite never really takes effect meaning they are countering the one thing designed to beat them

So how should this be fixed?
There are a few options. Some options would absolutely gut some ninjas.
Option 1: Buff standard attack healing, remove healings from mysteries and change to full team debuff clear (see dance of impetus)
Option 2: remove standard healing attacks and change to debuff clears, buff mystery healing
Option 3: Change to dynamic "chance to remove debuff" with diminishing returns
Option 4: Make ignite non removable (terrible idea)
or my personal favorite
Option 5: Keep everything as it is but add diminishing returns per round so by round 10 healers are only healing for 10% of round 1.

Anyway, thanks for reading my wall of text. I'd like to think this will spark some civil discussion, but forums will forum.

Bonus video/ Example

This post was last edited by Viralsun at 2017-5-30 04:46 This post was last edited by Viralsun at 2017-5-30 04:50
Quicky Post

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