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[ Other ] Sage War ( Cross Server Worst Ever )


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On 2017-05-28 22:05:25Show All Posts
58k bp going against people over 70k bp and yet I got bully. Play and play smart you can still make top 3. I am not condoning the lack of rewards for everyone as it is pretty well crap but you can still do it if you just play. This was always going to happen there was always going to be cross sage so you now miss out on those advanced refines, why is it if you miss out everything needs to be changed. What about all the other people on your server that you roll and never got rewards and yet they still kept playing? Why is sage all the sudden a problem now that you can't dominate everyone, answer - it's not. The problem is your poor attitudes and expectation of rewards, you don't deserve rewards more than anybody else.
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On 2017-05-28 22:40:37Show All Posts
  • Syldor On 2017-05-28 22:26:06
  • thank you for beeing a light in the endless darkness thats called this forum :D

    well i understand it a bit, most people never had full sage world bracket, but we just have to wait a bit because in 3.0 there will be a change to sage world where everyone down to top 10 get a few advanced refines as rewards
I get why people are annoyed and it is frustrating that is so many people for so few rewards and that could have some sort of fix just top 5 get rewards instead of top 3 or something but it really isn't as bad as everyone makes out. Everyone complaining about it is just being entitled thinking they deserve a reward more than another, so what if they are p2w those p2w keep the game running.
The thing that grinds my gears is that this forum is literally like this.
"OMG Oasis we want server merge we never get sage it's killing the game" so oasis implements cross server sage.
"OMG Oasis why did you do this to us we said we don't want cross server, you are killing the game."
Which is it I mean seriously.
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On 2017-05-29 03:40:07Show All Posts
  • AngeLica™ On 2017-05-29 00:47:19
  • We have our own opinion and I'm not crying bruh. I just post this coz too many players don't want this cross server sage war and I saw in world chat he is lvl 89 power 41K and he met lvl 90 with 90k+ power..

    Then u are PRO!
If you were not crying then this thread would not exist.... Just saying.
and thats a good thing that every land has 20+ players means healthy competition.
If you listen to the community every server is a dead server....
All I take from the cross is that people are angry and its the top people from their respective server because they actually have to work for their reward now.
My point still stands what about the people who you always beat down who never got rewards and yet never complained? Just fuk them right cos you have to work now so everyone should bow down to you and give you what you want because otherwise you will call its unfair.....
What about the people who thought it was unfair versing you on the server and had no chance of getting rewards.? Why didn't you defend them before cross sage???????
Please tell me why you are so special that you require special treatment and again tell me how you don't think you are above others.
As you sound like a spoilt child "oh I deserve this" no you don't deserve *, earn it and stop whinging, you are what destroy's this community with your priviledge and self entitlement.
You really are your own worst enemy you talk ficticious nonsense and try to make it a thing, grow up.
This post was last edited by WhoWhat at 2017-5-29 03:46
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-29 03:49:03Show All Posts
  • misakomomo On 2017-05-29 03:44:18
  • theres a diffeence between people on same server with same amount of time played and people who have played months longer and gotten more refines.playtime...

    saying otherwise is just * :P
unless you are playing the first couple brackets this is not a thing and if you are and that far behind means you are not a day 1 player and again you can't complain. What you are saying is that you want a day 1 player to be on the same level as a player who has been online lets say 6 months. So should a 6 month old account be as strong as a nearly year old account?
Oh and for fun lets say the near year old is a spender and the 6 month is free, should they be the same ????? seriously????

This post was last edited by WhoWhat at 2017-5-29 03:50
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On 2017-05-29 03:52:06Show All Posts
  • misakomomo On 2017-05-29 03:44:18
  • theres a diffeence between people on same server with same amount of time played and people who have played months longer and gotten more refines.playtime...

    saying otherwise is just * :P
you have not proved anything other than they are more dedicated and you feel the need to cry for no reason. NEWS FLASH if somebody plays more than yuou they become stronger.....
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On 2017-05-29 03:58:42Show All Posts
  • AngeLica™ On 2017-05-29 00:51:24
  • Play and Play smart? LOL! good luck to you if u met 95k+ power!

    and btw our server still have many players for sage war every lands has 20+ players

    better they do that for the DEAD server!

    Just my opinion no hate!
Oh and if I meet a 95k player I will say to them that they have a *y account and I am jealous, You assume people are like you which they are not. If I get beat I say good fight lets do it again. I assume you say "FUK YOU P2W SCRUB TRY FREE" thats what I get from you.
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On 2017-05-29 04:33:11Show All Posts
  • Tiami On 2017-05-29 04:16:49
  • Guys and girls, you know- after first cross server Sage I was soo dissapointed in how it look like, in difference between power lvl and demotivated by how little chance of winning anything people like me have when put against players with twice of our power. I raged too, a bit. Not because of "I deserve this and that"- but because of what we were told- that we will fight opponents of similar power. If that was true- then yes it would be nice competition actualy and everyone would have a chance to win, with right play and hard work too~ But it's not soo similar power when you get squashed like a bug by 90+ BP player with your silly 45k.

    But today I just shrugged it off. Did what I could untill got crushed on battlefield and then silently cheered and hoped for my group to win. We didn't have any Sage in our server for like two months, so couldn't get any littlest reward from it. Now there's little chance for few more stuff. And I know how frustrated are those who were winning a lot from it untill now- but it's right that usualy that usualy the same people were winning on each server, so it hurts them mostly. All in all- it would be all okay if there wasn't such differences in power on battlefields.
    But hey... it's just a game after all. Some of us spend a lot of effort and time, sometimes money, for it, that's true, but really I don't think it's worth all this rage and fights on forum.

    And last thing- seems that Oasis is just adding stuff to game according to schedule from older version of game- german, I think?- and can't really change/skip some stuff. So that would be add anyway, sooner or later. But then again- they shouldnt give false hope to players that their voice and opinion- polls and all, can change anything in it. People are raging 'cause many said no and it still happened. about we all go treat ourself for some ramen and dango, and chill ~
The thing is like what stop sage on low pop servers is that there is low pop going to sage so low power gets roped in to high power sage, am I saying this is right by no means however this is how it is in the code, if there are low numbers for high power sage they pull in the next bracket and if is still not enough they again pull in the next bracket. I never said the current system is fair it really isn't it *s but it's what we have, complaining doesn't change it. I feel all the hate comes from servers 1-300 and like I said before should a day 1 player who spends be equal to a day 150 player who doesnt?
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On 2017-05-29 05:05:52Show All Posts
  • PeNMaX On 2017-05-29 04:45:06
  • So how are u suggesting we should get them to fix the system so its more fair for everybody just sitting in a corner saying nothing pretending that the piss is rain? Only way we can get them to do anything is by making our voices heard and let them know how we feel about it. Also if this is something essential for Naruto online 3.0 as they say could they not have waited to include it until then when it actually makes sense?

    Also just so u know they can change the code its not impossible u see thats how they make updates and bug fixes problem is they are not willing to its much easier just impementing patches and translate it which is the main thing they do.
You cant totally be fair ever as there will always be differences. I never said it was fair as to rewards I think that they could at least go to top 5 for rewards. You have misintepreted what I have said. To be fair would take so much coding it is insane it matches correctly however if there are not enough people it then pulls in the next lowest rank bracket. This is no error it is simply filling positions.
Would you rather no sage or a sage allbeit you have no chance for top.
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On 2017-05-29 05:46:13Show All Posts
  • Haicon12 On 2017-05-29 05:33:13
  • you guy work for Oasis to say there a chance to get reward? P2W people got all stuffs and now is SWB.i cant get refine, how i can try hard with them when i only have 1 kindney to sell?
No I do not work for them I just have common sense, you are like I said one of those people who always were top 3 and now you are not so you cry.... It proves nothing other than you are a self entitled person who thinks they deserve rewards over everyone else. Again as I said how many on your server cryed when you always ranked top 3 and they didnt
My guess is none, and did you make a case for them not getting rewards when yu did? I know that you did not. So all I have to say is grow up you have competition now what makes you so special that you are above everyone and deserve more?
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On 2017-05-29 05:50:09Show All Posts
All I hear from you self entitled fools is "I deserve rewards" why
I really feel bad for the mods trying to keep you sedated you blame everyone but yourself.
I just want to say our forum mods do a great job they have no say as to how the game will run, they can place suggestions and thats about it. Get information before you try to belittle others

Oasis done what people wanted and made sage open to everyone and now you want to cry that it is open for everyone..... Really
Make up your fukn minds do you want sage or not if not don't play if you do play, Pretty simple

This post was last edited by WhoWhat at 2017-5-29 05:53
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On 2017-05-29 06:00:41Show All Posts
  • Tiami On 2017-05-29 05:58:07
  • Maybe if there was other nice way to get those * refine runes, then people wouldn't cry soo much~
    Or like- you are send from your server to go to battlefield in cross-server, fight, gain points- then hop back to your server after event- and rewards would depend of how other people from your server did on their battlefields in cross-server.
    EXAMPLE- let's say I got like 600pts~ and I got like 10-15 place in cross-server- but with those points I am in top 3 on my own server- and get some additional rewards according to that.
    Or something like that~
soooooo what about the players on your own server who never got those?
Guess they don't matter as it's only when YOU don't get it that it becomes a problem.
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On 2017-05-29 06:06:09Show All Posts
  • Haicon12 On 2017-05-29 06:01:20
  • yeah im top 3 on my land. i trying very hard everyday on 6 months because im free to play . you think i cry when i not have rewards on sage when i got before and other didnt? but you know that how many times i cry before i can have reward? what can i do now when im top 10 on my side? top up to buy refine?
You asked and answered your own question.
By posting how you are hard done by you are crying.
What could the low rank people on your server do? Pretty sure they didn't cry they didn't get a reward.
You know what they done?
They played the fukn game unlike you, you spoilt self entitled sh1t.
As I said many times why are you better than others and what makes you more eligable for those items.... NOTHING
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On 2017-05-29 06:13:38Show All Posts
  • misakomomo On 2017-05-29 06:03:53
  • Lol ur pretty much a mean person who rants a lot atm

    they have a proper reason to not like this sage since they have to fight more then 9 out of 90 people who have double their power. meaning they will NEVER get a reward.
    When before they maybe ranked 1-3 sumtimes who knows. i dont u dont either. but what i do know is even I find it unfair for the people who r 40-55k power having to fight 70-90k :P

    if thats no reason to come on here and be slightly annoyed i dunno what is.
Yeah I am one of the lower power people and thats what annoys me you think you deserve things when you dont deserve * all. My server had maybe 8 in each field and then went to nearly 30 in each. I would much rather the 30 as it makes for more fun as you have no idea the people you are fighting.
Sounds to me you are salty that you can't get top 3 in you zone.
I really dislike the lack of rewards for people when is so many people in a single sage there should be a lot more and I cannot stress that enough.
However your victim mentality of "omg we don't get enough" does not help anyone If anything it actually holds us back.
OHHH and btw I am 58k spender against 70k+ players. After first cross server sage.

This post was last edited by WhoWhat at 2017-5-29 06:21
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On 2017-05-29 06:22:56Show All Posts
  • misakomomo On 2017-05-29 06:18:45
  • lol every1 who replies here u instantly insult as to ''aww u were top 3 before and now u arent so u r just salty and wrong and u dont matter now '' lol

    i was actually third and second in the uk sage where fatherzod/hasehyo play the top 2 in space for uk on my cluster. 68k power o.o

    merely saying its unfair for the lower power people i kill in the sage u currently play since its supposed to be balanced. and since its not i will voice my oppinion to help make it better.. not insult every1 just cuzz ur salty cuzz u lost all the time and the change doesnt matter for u since u lost now and lost then.

    what most r trying is to make sure u fight people ur own power so even u can get a reward if u play vs ur own power itll be a matter of teams/ninja/skeel or at least sumthin other then having 20-40k extra power on ur face which most have now
    This post was last edited by misakomomo at 2017-5-29 06:22 This post was last edited by misakomomo at 2017-5-29 06:23
spot on, you nailed it
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On 2017-05-29 06:25:47Show All Posts
This entire thread is people just having a whinge that they were top 3 and are not now so it must be Oasis fault. They don't give 2 *s about the people who always play in sage and were never top 3 and yet never complain.... But they are not top 3 now so omg its the fukn end of the world.
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On 2017-05-29 06:27:08Show All Posts
  • Haicon12 On 2017-05-29 06:25:45
  • after all this cross sage ruin this game. you guy cant deny that.
we can it hasnt done anything other than show who the self entitled asswipes are.
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On 2017-05-29 06:37:37Show All Posts
  • Tiami On 2017-05-29 06:27:08
  • Well, well, since you are telling us all how spoiled we are and it's all about if we are getting rewards or not and that people here are crying soo much and we don't think about players who have no chance against us in return, on our servers,blah blah~~ Let me quote your own post when you moan about how not fair is arena cross-server system, 'cause it's impossible FOR YOU to rank up, to get proper match, that YOU have to fight against players who play this way longer already, how Oasis made it all unfair etc:
    WhoWhat said: "Arena is simply broken with cross server you can be faced against people who have played since game release when your server only just gets cross realm open. I have done a few experiments with my main and a low level account with good power and a high level account with low power and the matchmaking system isn't what I would call a system as a system makes sense. It's more of just putting people together no actual matchmaking, with a level 60 I was placed against (in chunin rank) a player with bee and cursed hidan, since I don't even have access to that treasure and that ninja is pure f2p it shows how absurd the "system" is."

    Were you not crying by a chance?~ And did you thought about all those lower power, with less initiative players, who have to face you in arena and have little to no chance for win?
    Well, now people saying kinda same stuff about Sage- not fair matching, can't get rewards, rewards are a joke, have to face people who have a lot more th* etc...and you are attacking everyone who dare to complain the same way as you did.
How far did you have to go back to find that? Yes quite clearly I did say that however it is a very different monster arena and sage are quite obviously very different and to compare them I would simply ask you how is it that an apple and orange are the same.
If you think that is crying so be it I can't change your mind. However sage and arena very different and you trying to compare them to try make me look bad well yeah I have no words.
I have not attacked anyone simply stated actuality if you don't like facts that's your problem not mine.
Yes I was angry when I posted that and yet unlike your assumption I did not attack anyone.
Apples and Oranges
You also didnt see where I think the current system is bad and at least top 5 per field should have a reward, at least you ignored that.
This post was last edited by WhoWhat at 2017-5-29 06:40 This post was last edited by WhoWhat at 2017-5-29 06:41
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On 2017-05-29 08:10:06Show All Posts
  • Dym On 2017-05-29 06:58:17
  • Oasis done what people wanted and made sage open to everyone and now you want to cry that it is open for everyone..... Really
    Make up your fukn minds do you want sage or not if not don't play if you do play, Pretty simple

    No people did not want this, at least most of them didn't so i don't know where you getting this from, the poll was 800+ for YES, 1000+ for NO. People want stuff like Mood Scrools in wheel, Cave Keys in tree which were promised this month and instead we got this, which most people voted against.
As I said cross sage was always going to happen and we all know that Aristeus said it aswell.
What wouldl you rather cross sage or no sage?
Just because YOU want it doesn't mean it will happen.
I want a 6ft blonde model to come * my erm.... You think that will happen?
What we want and what we get are always different.
This post was last edited by WhoWhat at 2017-5-29 08:12
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On 2017-05-29 08:54:28Show All Posts
SO all of you complaining about cross sage now you dont get rewards.... Riddle me this, how many of you complain that you were always top your server and most people didn't get rewards?
Before cross sage did you ever defend any person who did not get top rewards?
Have you made threads about how unfair it was that you got all the rewards and lower players got nothing?
I really want to know how much you complained when you did not get top rewards and how much you defended those who did not.
If you never defended those on your server who never got top rewards you are just a self entitled obnoxious so and so who thinks they are so much better than everyone else so they deserve things because you know feels.
This post was last edited by WhoWhat at 2017-5-29 08:58
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On 2017-05-29 09:53:03Show All Posts
  • CJAAAAAAAAAAAAA On 2017-05-29 09:49:12
  • what bp you have?
my bp is 58k do you have a point from this?
and here is my meta team with my in game name.

This post was last edited by WhoWhat at 2017-5-29 10:00
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