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[ Suggestions ] Monthly Event 4th Week


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-24 14:24:27Show All PostsDescending Order
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First of all, I love Monthly Events. It's nice and easy way to get items such as sealed scrolls, summoning scrolls, threads etc.
My favourite would be 2nd and 3rd week, and least favourite would be 4th.

The reason is that the gap between 10 and 40 points in Elite instance is fairly far. I've asked a lot of high level players in my server if they really do that many Elite Instances to get points. Pretty much most of them said No. They only did 10.

So I wonder if it's possible to reduce the gap to make more "achievable"
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-24 15:09:03Show All Posts
  • YuShiro On 2017-05-24 14:35:50
  • Spend more = get more ; Don't worry too much about those 2 weeks (plot one as well)
    the only person who fini* daily in my server is a whale .
i dont mind plot ones.

sometimes it goes well with event such mobile immobilization or current fish mania to get bait. i dont mind stacking awakening materials for future ninjas.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-25 06:42:26Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-05-24 15:18:13
  • I do my 60s and I'm ftp
    All my equipment are maxed (san the new 140 scroll which I can't get, thou I have a stockpile of the jades, probably not quite enough thou)
    All the ninja I use are max awakened, and I have a stockpile of 100+ all purple and below awaken mats, 250+ all gold and 300+ all red.

    So... I can farm elite with all my stamina.

    On the flip side, all the ninjas I use that I can farm in elite except ningendo are 5 star.

    So.... I can farm plot all I want.

    Each month, even thou I do all the 60s, richfields and daily task, I can still net about 20 stamina pot.

    So... stamina isn't an issue.

    Overall, the thing is, anyone who don't do the 60 is because they simply aren't "there" in the stage of the game. Why do people only do 10 elite and not 40? Because they can't spare the stamina. Now, your daily stamina income is at a minimal of 480(240 time regen, 200 5am/1pm, 40 bath). 20 are needed for richfield and 30 for doing your daily plot task, that leaves you with 430 even if you DONT use any pots. So why not do 40 elite? Because some people still need to farm plot for materials.

    By the same token, people who are not done with farming 5 star on ninjas they actually use (say hinata, kimmimaro, sasuke to name a few of the most frequently used ones). So they need to farm those to the daily max limits and therefore cant go full plot.

    So the fact of the matter is, if someone isn't finishing the tasks, it's because they are committing resources elsewhere due to not yet finished with certain features. That's not universally true. The disparity, therefore, allows players who are done with whatever it is that otherwise consume resource to get more stuff.

    high level player he says, are they even 90? How long they've been 90?
    only whale eh? How many people in the server do 2 seal per day every day as well as ensure purchase of stamina pots on Sundays in arena shop? You'd be surprised at how much stamina pot you can get for free if you were actually diligent. This post was last edited by PraiseLuka at 2017-5-23 23:19
I am also f2p.
My friends and I have been 90 for long time.
We dont bother to do it. There are better things to do than elite.
Also, I have the most 5* ninjas in the group, pretty much all recruitable ones in Elite. This is the reason why I made this threads.

All of my ninjas that I need are fully awakened. I'd just preferred to keep stacking it rather than do Elite, while i can get minimum 400-500 refinement points a day.

I do all daily tasks, sealed, wanted whatever in the game, still find it's not worth to do 40 elite instances.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-25 08:09:13Show All Posts
Sorry guys if i cost trouble making suggestion.

I CAN do all 60 elite instances, hence earlier comment I don't mind doing all PLOT instances. Because I like stacking materials.

I personally feel it's unnecessary to have big gap between 10 and 40. Spamming fragments for Iruka and scrolls is nice, but I generally get at least 300~500 points every day.

I like it how other weeks, especially 1st and 2nd they split into small sections, which is easier (and more enjoyable) to aim for those daily / weekly points. You even get to do 300 points for doing big ones in first week.

TBH I don't mind to change main for a day to get 100 points rather than do 40 Elite Instances. This post was last edited by Petrichor
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