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[ Other ] big issue with spacetime after merge


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On 2017-05-20 04:08:35Show this Author Only
For 2 days yes. Also, players from merged servers are still part of their previous bracket in strongest ninja and did qualify.
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On 2017-05-20 04:35:39Show this Author Only
It's true that saying it's unfair to be moved from the top of a bracket to the bottom of another bracket is somewhat entitled. We could have just as easily been screwed since the beginning of spacetime like 291, and it wouldn't make much of a difference.

However, you can look at this situation and say '291 was screwed like this anyway, so it's fine if you are as well', or you can say 'loads of servers don't stand a chance in spacetime, maybe we made the brackets too wide'.

I'm not begging to be put back in the old spacetime bracket, but clearly you did make the brackets too wide, and now you made one of the worst offenders even wider. Great job! I'm sure you can try to make it * over by pretending to have long hard talks with the developers, but if you don't shrink down or rotate the brackets you're not seeing a penny from me again.

Denna (s306)
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On 2017-05-20 05:08:12Show this Author Only
  • Xerios87 On 2017-05-20 03:42:03
  • How nice to be called entitled by someone who has nothing to do in this and who actually has nothing to offer outside of empty words about the issue.

    But back to the point and to follow what you just said, what is fairness when it comes to S291 ? After all, they're still the "youngest" server in this bracket, nothing was done for them...
    As for the reality of the situation (which I suspect you don't know), the power gap between oldest and newest server is way more important in this particular bracket than it was in the previous. Actually, the winner of the previous bracket weren't from the merged servers.
    What people are asking for is an explanation about this (actually, it also means less people and less competition in the bracket that lost 4 servers and some of the most active ones). If it was voluntary or not and if the issue is reversible or not.

    We also want to know if we will receive any compensation about the lost season of strongest ninja (we had no chance to qualify in 2 days in a new bracket).
    This post was last edited by xer*** at 2017-5-20 03:44 This post was last edited by xer*** at 2017-5-20 03:45 This post was last edited by xer*** at 2017-5-20 03:45
1. You should probably look up just a bit and see my previous post. I have a bit to offer in diagnosing the situation and proposing a feasible solution based on the diagnosis. Which is far more than what I can say about some of you who either make ridiculous demands or simply cry "fix dis" without offering any suggestions as to how.

2. Did you actually read my post or did you just jump off the wall as soon as I called an entitled kid entitled? I specifically said that it would be ideal for brackets to shift frequently. Maybe you did read but is unable to comprehend, but such a shift would mean that 291(and the merged server thereof) along with others that have been on bottom of their respective brackets will get a chance to be the top of bracket. As it were, if anyone were to complain, it's the people from 291 (and any other that was always stuck on bottom) but I'm fairly sure the one I replied to is not one of those. Conclusion? it was a post made out of entitlement and not fairness.

3. Are you aware that LA have a S14-599 bracket(I might got the end number wrong, simply speaking, it's everyone 14 and after)? I'm a strong proponent of that being split. Similarly, any excessively large bracket should be split. So yes, i am well aware of the situation. What I don't know thou is the exact population and activity of each bracket to justify a split. Personally, I consider about 300-500 ACTIVE players per bracket for space time should be optimal. (that said, it would make masuri matchmaking even worse, as there are fewer active player to match with which means more likely to have a large gap. Ideally, maybe each two time space bracket should share one masuri bracket or something like that, that might get complicated)

4. Of course the winner of a bracket doesn't always come from the oldest server of the bracket. This is, after all, a ptw game. And all that age gives you is an advantage to be in the mid-upper ranks, the top will be ptws, it almost doesn't matter which server that is as long as it's old enough for them to reach say lv 85 and get all their talents. You know what IS a good indicator of whether server age is advantageous? The proportion of active players from that server that qualified for the final (and top 64, 32. after 32 it's too ptw to be a significant factor). I wonder why you would assume others are making * assumptions, are those assumptions that you would make?

5. An explanation have already been given, thou very vaguely. What it comes down to is poor planning and lack of foresight.

6. Just about everything is reversible, thou it appears that they won't. But in any case, it's VERY doubtful that they can do anything in a time frame that will have significantly impact. I mean it takes weeks for them to hand out comp packages for bugs, how long do you think it would take for them to split a server, which they probably have no procedure/protocol of doing, even if they are willing to do it? I don't know why people bother asking about stuff that, if they were to apply their brain, are obvious.

7. As far as comp goes, I'd say they should but they are not forthcoming on that subject. Probably because the people who are actually in charge are dragging their feet and Tobei probably can't give a answer since he haven't heard back from the procrastinators. I'd wager there will be comp but it would be underwhelming thou.
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On 2017-05-20 18:10:14Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-05-20 03:35:21
  • No it's not (too much to endure etc)
    What makes you guys entitled to being on the top of the bracket all the time?

    Ideally, brackets should shift as often as possible so that any server that is on top of a bracket is also on the bottom half the time (minus the first server, since there are no older ones). Seeing as you guys have had the fortune of being on top of the masuri brackets for at least 2-3 months, there is really no grounds for you to complain until another 2-3 month passes with you on the bottom.

    To be clear, their execution as far as space time is concerned is horrible. However, bracket shift in and of itself is fine, in fact it's more fair than w/o the shift. In fact, they should figure out ways to shift brackets ALL THE TIME (without f***ing up space time that is)
About what you said in the second post you are perfectly right about LA servers. But LA servers from the start have and had a lot less people that plays in them than others region. Very likely all of the servers in LA zone have less players than our previous bracket here in UK.
LA time zone is good for half of USA and half of Canada. All the other zones of north and south america consider NY zone the best for them. UK servers interest all Europe, Africa and middle east + Russia, it's obvious that we have more population and so that if we have 4/5 brackets then is normal they in LA have only 2. There's nothing to do for them sadly, if not a better redistribution (maybe 1-150, 151-599 or something like that, i don't know their numbers but i can't believe first 14 servers have the same population as their other 400+) but here everything worked perfectly fine up to a second before the merge.
Is not at all the same thing if you, since the start, are placed in a bracket and you know you don't stand a chance and if you are placed for less than two month at the top of a bracket, you are used to get something and you plan on that and from night to day you get projected in another bracket where you don't stand a chance when you used to be in top50 in everything cross server before.
Personally speaking i would have preferred to be in 291 situation since the start, at least i wouldn't have had all my hopes in this merge for more competition intraserver and a better experience in sage world battlefield completely nullified by the little surprise in spacetime and matsuri.
If we knew this would have happened none from our server would have ever asked for a merge. This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-5-20 19:15
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On 2017-05-20 18:25:24Show this Author Only
EDIT: i changed this post because didn't seem to me the case to leave it there as it was.Anyways we are waiting to know what will be our compensation or what you'll choose to do.
This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-5-21 20:25
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On 2017-05-21 20:25:41Show this Author Only
up, hoping in an official statement about this.
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On 2017-05-22 04:48:56Show this Author Only
I'm more or less fine with the new brackets for space time and matsuri. Some players will always have the advantage of staying at the lowest servers, some will not. The strongest players will eventually catch up to a some degree and be able to participate in the strongest ninja competition. Sure, we won't be able to advance to the finals unless we start investing heavy amount of cash into the game, but that's expected. This is probably how our previous space time bracket will be in some time as well.

That being said, I still think it was horrible getting dragged out of the top128 qualifier and pushed down to 5500~ right before the strongest ninja competition started, and we should be fairly compensated for that.

A fix for this problem would be to keep each server in their initial space time and matsuri bracket, instead of forcing everyone over to 291's. This way, S291 would continue to be in S60-291, while the 4 other servers (295, 298, 302, 306) would stay in the 295-??? bracket.
This post was last edited by Eplox at 2017-5-22 04:50
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On 2017-05-23 16:42:24Show this Author Only
What is even more unacceptable is the fact they continue to stay silent and don't give us any official reply or statement about what happened and how will they solve this issue.
So far we simply got the personal idea of tobei that doesn't matter anything. Where is the official statement about how will they solve the matter and about what will be our compensation? How long does it take to give one?
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On 2017-05-23 22:52:20Show this Author Only
hmm, still no official statement seems.
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On 2017-05-25 18:11:59Show this Author Only
LoL still no official reply even if the new season is going to begin. This thread make me laugh a lot.
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On 2017-05-25 20:49:46Show this Author Only
This thread will eventually just die out as players starts accepting the bracket change and horrible timing. :(
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On 2017-05-29 00:48:10Show this Author Only
Up, we still need to know what is our compensation.
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On 2017-05-30 15:48:15Show this Author Only
Up. Still no official reply. Why does it take so long?
Quicky Post

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