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[ Fanfiction ] The Past and The Present [6]: All Bark but No Bite [Rating K+]


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On 2017-05-05 17:52:45Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello and I'm back with Chapter 6! Sorry for not posting for a while; I got a bit lost and busy but hopefully I'm determine to finish this story this month. Shoutout to my friend MisakiFuuji.Sorry for not keeping in touch; I was out of muse and then got lost on the road of life.

Well, without further due~ Enjoy!
P.S: Ignore the inconsistent tenses and if there's any speeling error, I'm sorry XD

That incident had made them a better person overall. And just in time for them to go through their Genin exam. “Passed. Congratulations.” Iruka proudly hand Crimson his Hidden Leaf headband and his certifications. Crimson felt like crying, and the fact that his parents were here taking pictures of him weren’t helping either. “From now on, you are deemed as ninjas! However, you are not a true ninja yet until you had passed your chunnin exam, which will take place in the next 2 years. During the wait, cultivate yourself to the fullest so you shall be prepared and pass the exam with flying colours. The Hidden Leaf Village put her hopes on you as the village future protectors!” “That was totally practiced.” Scarlet whispered to them as they watch the Kakashi-sama gave out his speech. “The hokage is too lazy to think of a speech.” “H-Hey!” Crimson hushed but he still laughed because it was the truth. Everyone knows that the hokage rather read Make-Out Paradise than reading a speech. “I’m so proud of you all.” Crimson mother weeps and Crimson felt mildly embarrassed, another half was touched to the bone that he felt like crying too. “You four are truly Konoha’s future savior. Don’t ever stray from your ninja’s way.” Scarlet father said to them, giving each an affectionate pat on the head. Scarlet father was such an influential figure, he made head turns when he walk in. Even Crimson saw his father stuttering as he spoke with the man. But just like Scarlet, his father has a big heart, and was kind to everyone. He was especially grateful for Crimson parents for looking out after his son and his two adoptive children. “Thanks father, thank you, mom.” Scarlet smiled brightly. Midnight and Azure also said their thanks the same way Scarlet did, and Crimson saw the way his mother cheeks flushed and how happiness brighten up her face. “All parents are encouraged to join the tea session with the teachers.” “Opps, there’s our signal. You kids be good with each other.” Crimson mother pinched their cheeks before walking away with her husband, arms link together. Scarlet father smiled and gave a noogie at each one, much to the displeasure and amu*t of the kids. When all the parents had left to the meeting room, the children were free to do whatever they wanted, which was mingling around and basking in the aftertaste of success. “Fufufu, looks like we meet again.” The four of them freeze at the voice. They recognized it, it had haunt them in their dreams. “You…” Midnight turned around to face the – * – smirking girl who was sporting Hidden Leaf headband around her neck. “Why are you here?” Azure spoke up bravely, she wasn’t afraid anymore. She was willing to face danger head on! “What does it look like I’m here for? I’m just a genin like you guys.” She said with a smirk, her trademark fan tucked carefully on her back. “Imposible. That level of skill is too much for a newly elected Genin.” “Who said being newly elected Genin. I just had a head start, but shame, got lost on the road of life.” She giggled and walked over to them, her long blond hair swaying with grace. “By the way,” She said with glee, looking over at Midnight and Crimson as she moves her blond *s away. “Nice job with the shadow clone there. It was barely a pass.” “Why you!” Midnight snarls, and shoved her to the nearest wall. This time Scarlet didn’t stopped him, and Crimson dared to peek at him, only to feel something inside his stomach drops. Scarlet was clearly angry, his hands were clenched into fists. Crimson never saw Scarlet this riled up. “Hey, you okay?” Azure gently tries to sooth him and Scarlet took a deep breath, Crimson could feel him counting one two three and another deep breath. “It’s just, she just insult you guys. What does she knows?!” Scarlet was clearly furious about the girl. Crimson knew why, they had worked till the eleventh hour trying to prefect everything, he and Azure helping out the most. But Crimson knows during the time Azure goes to bed from exhaustion teaching the two boys chakra control, Scarlet took them outside in the courtyard and they trained over and over again under the moonlight until Scarlet himself had no chakra left to show. Midnight skin would pale under the stress, and Crimson himself felt himself getting a migraine from trying to concentrate. It was hard and tough, but they all were in this together. Crimson immediately grabbed his arm, just in time since he looked as if he was about to latch to where Mindight and the girl were having a staring contest with each other. “Oi, calm down now!”Crimson said in panic. They were also causing a scene as people were starting to gather around to see what’s all the fuss was about. “I’ll call the teacher!” Azure quickly said and she ran out. Oh, they were so going to get into trouble.
“Do you understand now?” “Yes, Iruka sensei.” The five of them nodded their head in shame. Iruka had just given them a lengthy lecture about communication and toleration. Crimson and Scarlet’s parents also gave their word respectively. Scarlet pouts at the word grounded but admit it was his fault anyway. They shouldn’t have assumed the girl, who name was Breeze Dancer, as an antagonist and instead try to talk things out. If that didn’t work, then seek help from an adult, because they were obviously not adult enough to handle the problem. Also they shouldn’t act on their feelings, and Breeze was reprimanded for sparking inappropriate comments too. Turned out Breeze was a wanderer and had just return to Konoha after a mission from Suna. That was why she had the Hidden Sand headband because she was under Suna’s protection throughout the mission. “Let’s just try to get along with each other next time, okay?” Azure squeaked nervously. Scarlet pressed his lips together and Midnight was still glaring but they all knew that the two would come around soon. “That’s a nasty way trying to test our strength though.” Scarlet admits as he let out a sigh. Breeze gave him a smile and tuck a stray hair strand behind her ear. “Sorry about that, old habit dies hard.” “Tell me about it.” Midnight grumbled under his breath, his sword was already sheathed back into its case. “Alright, kids. Let’s go home now.” Scarlet father spoke up and Scarlet glance over at Breeze and Crimson, nodding his head. “I’ll see you two around then.” He smiled and they all said their goodbyes before Azure, Midnight and Scarlet left with their father. “How about you Crimson? Want to go home too?” His mother asked him. Crimson turned to look at Breeze, who was now staring mindlessly at the window. “Maybe later.” He said to his mother, smiling a bit. “Mom and Dad go home first.” “Okay, sweetie. Take care.” She kissed her son’s forehead and his father gave him a firm pat before whispering, ‘Youth’ and they both leave, leaving Crimson with Breeze. “Um.” Crimson spoke up awkwardly, rubbing his neck. He could see Breeze looking at him curiously. Okay, he got her attention… Now what? “Um, want to go have some tea?” “Tea?” Breeze blinked at him before giggling a bit. “Asking me out on a date now, aren’t you? Bold. I like that.” Crimson blushed darkly at what Breeze was saying. Date? Guess it kind of sounded like a date. But who would date a chubby guy like him. Suddenly, the thoughts of rejection flashes into his mind but he quickly shake it off. “So, where do we go?” Breeze said with a playful smile, reaching out and grasping his hand with her. Her hand was soft, and she was also as tall as him. Crimson just noticed, but Breeze was rather attractive too. Oh, what did he get himself into?

Quicky Post

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