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[ News ] Server Merge Request - 1st May


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 11
  • Posts: 210
On 2017-05-02 21:48:32Show All Posts
  • On 2017-05-02 12:18:47
  • Merge Request as of 02/05/2017 5am

    1. Server ID: S430 Mind and Body
    2. Server Region: UK
    3. Server Age: Rough estimate 2 months-ish
    4. Sage Battlefield: As of last week 2 out of 3 complete.
    5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10-15 minutes
    6. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 15m
    7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1
    8. AVG Top 5 : 28142 , AVG top 10 : 27131, AVG Top 20 : 23920

    While we have built a little community on this server the lack of new players and competition has seriously killed a lot of the enjoyment for a bunch of us. Our group was the most dominate and grew the fastest in the early days of the server however even some of our own group members from that time have slowly disappeared and stopped logging in.

    We even had to just stop accepting new applicants to the group for the health of the server. (Pretty much all the top 20 our in our group and we have no one to do plunder on) No other group really does GNW. Barely any players outside our group attend Sage world. Even myself have lost motivation to try to make it to events we're in dire need of a merge or our server could die out completely.

    To all S430 players Hi! Most of you already know me by now so holla if you need anything!
    ~S430 Rita
    Senior of Akatsuki
Our server would benefit as well from merging with server 430. Here are our details once more:

Server ID : S407:New Mission
Server Region : UK
Server Age :will be 2 months old this week
Sage battlefield : 1 if we force start it with accounts from friends
Time to kill WB : 3 - 15 minutes (We are 10 on average)
WB hp on tuesday : last week tuesday 15.5M, this monday 10.5M
No of groups in GNW :2 las week, no more than 3 ever. The same group always wins regardless
Avg power rank of top:top 5 :32k
top 10 :30.1k
top 20 :27.2

Again, servers 430 and 407 from UK could really benefit from a merge. We are close to each other in power and it would allow us to actually start SWB events. If there is another server on the ~400 from the UK who needs a merge would be ideal.

Quicky Post

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