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[ Help ] Kabuto Snake Cloak


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 11
  • Posts: 49
On 2017-05-02 23:23:19Show All Posts
Nope, his skill literally says: " Revives EVERY selected unit of your Team. THESE ninjas will have 10% of their life Points. will also have THEIR classification changed to Reanimated ninja."

so i think Every, These and their directly imply that he revives the whole team ( so in GNW, you should be able to resurrect one of the 3 teams). Despite that, he only revives one of the ninjas. So this i seitehr a bug or very bad wording. i drew from the treasure for hima and im extremely disappointed to find out that he doesnt do what he said.

thats like when you would buy a ninja that said: Damages every selected unit in the opposing team" and he only damages one, thats purely misleading...
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