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[ Bugs ] Survival Trial & Ninja Mission Claim Bug


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-27 14:53:04Show All PostsDescending Order
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For Ninja Mission, I've did a full 120 Level Sweep and technically, the 2nd one should be able to allow for claiming as well, but it did not light up.
For Survival Trial Mission, I've did all 12 initial stages and 6 breakthrough stages, and lost 0 ninjas. I've already clicked the claim for those above. However, the last 3 should light up for me claim once during this event period, but it did not happen either.

Attached are the images, which I don't know how it'll help, since there's no way to prove if the Claim was clicked. But here it is nonetheless. And hope its fixed soon. Cheers!

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