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[ Events ] Ninja tools in Brothers Farewell got a big nerf


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-21 12:25:24Show All Posts
  • JushinUchiha On 2017-04-21 08:17:59
  • Just the latest in the long line of BS by this company, 76 tendo frags (lol), nerfed ninja tools, konan in group shop (take your pick, konan or med refines) and that is just talking about the last couple weeks. But you want me to open my wallet and recharge to a company that thinks the way it treats its players is ok? Not gonna happen.
I'm fine with 76 Tendo frags tbh. I wouldn't include that as BS.
It's a super rare, costs a lot of $$$ for people who bought him, AND we could still get him from chase missions. I know I've gotten 1-2 frags from there already. . . .albeit I'm not sure when I'll get the rest. .
And it's THE Tendo. :P
The Ultimate Training took a long time, but it was easy. . .

The nerfed ninja tools, yeah. What a shame if it's true. I mean, it's sort of good for me since none of my tools are max level. I put reforging first because it was more satisfying imo. . . they're around level 18 or 17 though.

Yep, agreed on Konan in group . . .med. refine runes come first. . .
This post was last edited by JustAClone at 2017-4-21 12:28
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