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[ Videos ] Onoki failures are a little out of hand


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-16 06:14:14Show All PostsDescending Order
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So in this battle I believe my onoki went 4 for 12 or 5 for 13 on his standard attacks which either way is not "low chance" of fail rate

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-17 00:12:39Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-04-16 07:31:00
  • For one, "low" is rather relative, it's rather subjective on what value "low" is. But given the usual term of "low chance", "(normal) chance" and "high chance", it's fair enough to say that anything on the lower 1/3 is "low chance". 4/12 is in fact 1/3 and 5/13 only slightly above..

    Secondly, there exist a low chance that a low chance event happens frequently.
    For example, statistically speaking, there is a 0.65% chance that a 10% event will occur 5 or more times out of 13. And I'm sure even you would agree that 10% would been properly labeled low chance.
    So really, small sample size never says anything conclusive. You really have to gather a sample of at least 100 attacks to really tell if it is, in fact, low chance (or rather, what the likely chance is, as "low chance" is subjective)
Games in general need the terms "low chance" or any "chance" to be defined. His tool tip should read something like has 20% or whatever the actual number is chance of failing. More transparency is needed to ensure something is working correctly. When I played MAA(marvel avengers alliance) their tool tips evolved to that standard and players would have a better understanding of the risk of using a certain character. Such vagueness in terms could be the reason Onoki is on the under used list of ninjas. Which is understandable since most serious players look at the wording "low chance" and say pfft moving on.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-18 10:50:33Show All Posts
Back pain is a serious condition and Onoki needs his treated asap
Quicky Post

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