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[ Help ] Question about sage treasure?


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On 2017-04-12 08:29:36Show All PostsDescending Order
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Isn't the set rate to get one of the 4 hot ninjas 60 seals scrolls that's 6 ten pulls i did that and didn't get any of the hot ninja!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 09:02:05Show All Posts
  • Max406 On 2017-04-12 08:40:14
  • generally yea it should be. that swhat everyone says and my brother got oro on the 6th 10 pull... maybe contact support :D
you mean customer service ?
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On 2017-04-12 09:28:07Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-04-12 09:20:26
  • its not a definite that u will get a rare at 60, your rare should come within the 40-80 range which is usualy by the 60 point
no max is 60 from everyone i asked even the pros said so This post was last edited by MadChaos at 2017-4-12 11:58
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On 2017-04-12 11:59:38Show All Posts
  • Naked Snake On 2017-04-12 11:56:05
  • I have no idea what's going on, so I'm just gonna say I got Konoha Traitor Orochimaru on my first 10 pul draw from Sage,
well on ten 6 pulls ur supposed to get one of the 4 for sure and i didnt get any of them
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On 2017-04-12 19:06:48Show All Posts
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-12 18:42:24
  • If these pros are in the forums, call them out by name here or by in game name and server. I would like to see these people step up to definitively say for 110% certain is maxed at 60 pulls. Especially with the Oasis exposure 3 weeks ago.
it is for sage treasure dammit idk about the others lmao
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On 2017-04-12 19:07:37Show All Posts
  • Yureisuki On 2017-04-12 17:30:49
  • It's not a definite, I get my rares at mainly 70 pulls.
sage treasure is different from the others theres only 4 hot ninjas
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On 2017-04-12 19:08:31Show All Posts
  • Yureisuki On 2017-04-12 17:30:49
  • It's not a definite, I get my rares at mainly 70 pulls.
u guys are all dweebs doubting my know of sage treasure lmao
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On 2017-04-12 19:08:57Show All Posts
  • xpwnagexlucario On 2017-04-12 18:24:05
  • i gotten every rare in Five Kage treasures with 60 seals, i kept track of it too.
    Free Pulls also count to the 60 pulls, i got sage naruto with first 30 seals in sage, and ningendo with my first 10 in tendo.
    This post was last edited by xpwnagexlucario at 2017-4-12 18:25
finally someone else who knows the truth
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On 2017-04-12 19:15:34Show All Posts
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-12 18:42:24
  • If these pros are in the forums, call them out by name here or by in game name and server. I would like to see these people step up to definitively say for 110% certain is maxed at 60 pulls. Especially with the Oasis exposure 3 weeks ago.
ok sir kazier dripsha and scion
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 19:19:59Show All Posts
Also all u noobs who are asking these questions haven't studied the game for 6 months straight like I did watched 100s of hours of youtube vids read a crap ton of forums and threads! so yes any info i have is vaild and true!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 20:19:18Show All Posts
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-12 20:08:39
  • Yes! Raggggggge! Cause what everyone said is 100% true till date. Andddddddddd yet, you got no rare at 60. So either you're counting wrong, or the 60 definite pull is not an actual fact.
I had 60 fuknig seal scrolls so how didnt i do 6 ten pulls lmao
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On 2017-04-12 20:42:53Show All Posts
  • Jori. On 2017-04-12 20:29:08
  • chill out bro.. nobody hurted you..
the game hurt me for making me save all 60 of them seal scrolls as i got them for free or from lucky board and didnt get a single damm hot ninja!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 21:10:33Show All Posts
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-12 20:24:21
  • So we know 60 pulls from you was a fact. So the DEFINITE 60 for a rare sounds like *ternative fact no? Didn't you just single handedly prove it wrong, even with your 6 months straight studying of the game and watched hundreds of hours of youtube videos, read loads of information in the forums believing that its all true. But you literally just proved it was not with your, I quote... "60 fuking seal scrolls".
then its a bug lmao
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On 2017-04-12 21:14:52Show All Posts
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-12 20:24:21
  • So we know 60 pulls from you was a fact. So the DEFINITE 60 for a rare sounds like *ternative fact no? Didn't you just single handedly prove it wrong, even with your 6 months straight studying of the game and watched hundreds of hours of youtube videos, read loads of information in the forums believing that its all true. But you literally just proved it was not with your, I quote... "60 fuking seal scrolls".
so ur also telling me their is no fixed rate for hasirama tendo pain or ay
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On 2017-04-12 21:15:14Show All Posts
  • Exvius On 2017-04-12 20:33:02
  • just to make it clear, its an average of 60. AVERAGE. i myself have gotten rares with 3 x10 pulls. also with 9 x10 pulls (my worst so far).
so ur also telling me their is no fixed rate for hasirama tendo pain or ay
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On 2017-04-12 21:15:34Show All Posts
  • Qolem On 2017-04-12 18:17:10
  • On my older server, I got first rare at 90th pull, so it is definitely not 100% :p
so ur also telling me their is no fixed rate for hasirama tendo pain or ay
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On 2017-04-12 21:16:05Show All Posts
so ur also telling me their is no fixed rate for hasirama tendo pain or ay
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On 2017-04-12 21:20:37Show All Posts
also in china it tells u the fixed rate and 6 ten pulls is the fixed rate for sage treasure plzz do some damm research before u comment on my thread!
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On 2017-04-12 21:53:43Show All Posts
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-12 21:47:34
  • Then post in the Chinese forums or play the Chinese version then, since everything is all well defined and explained there.

    I think it's okay to feel annoyed and rage for not getting a rare at 60 cause you were unlucky, but it seems like you want to bring up everything else and how the game owes you.
the do owe me either my seal scrolls back or one of the 4 hot ninjas
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On 2017-04-13 12:26:49Show All Posts
  • Exvius On 2017-04-13 09:25:19
  • what in the world. ;P i did say RARES right? not SUPER RARES. anyhow, if you think you already know it all because you're a pro, then why ask in the general section in the first place?
    Also all u noobs who are asking these questions haven't studied the game for 6 months straight like I did watched 100s of hours of youtube vids read a crap ton of forums and threads! so yes any info i have is vaild and true!

    Try posting here instead. ;P

    Customer Service
theres also a fixed rate on rares u noob! and i did post to customer service
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