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[ Updates ] Server Merge Request - 10th April


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On 2017-04-12 05:47:30Show this Author Only

1. Server ID: S267 | Petrifying Jutsu
2. Server Region: LA
3. Server Age: Estimated 2+ months (Server Opened on 01/18/17)
4. Sage Battlefield: 1 out of 3(sometimes more)
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: Around 7 minutes - 10 minutes
6. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 22M
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 groups
8. Average Power Ranking: AVG Top 5: 44K, AVG Top 10: 39K, AVG Top 20: 31K
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On 2017-04-12 06:15:41Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S267 | Petrifying Jutsu
2. Server Region: LA
3. Server Age: Estimated 2+ months (Server Opened on 01/18/17)
4. Sage Battlefield: 1 out of 3(sometimes more)
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: Around 7 minutes - 10 minutes
6. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 22M
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 groups
8. Average Power Ranking: AVG Top 5: 44K, AVG Top 10: 39K, AVG Top 20: 31K
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On 2017-04-12 06:17:37Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S43
2. Server Region: NY
3. Server Age: 8+ months
4. Sage Battlefied: We get them regularly but only like 5-6 ppl in all lands and they be afk; only like 6-7 ppl are active during sage.
5. Time to kill World Boss: around 10-15 mins.
6. World Boss HP: idk his health at the moment, but he is Lvl 41
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3
8. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20; Top 5 average: 64,041, Top 10 average: 58,970, Top 20 average: 50,196. (Our 1st player guy has 81,967 Power, 2nd has 65,010 power, and 3rd 58,967; the gap between Top 2 to the Top 10 is huge.)
We need a server merge badly we are losing actives rapidly and our server has no balance in Power for GNWs all the top players besides me and my friend are in a different group so the top like top 15 players are in one group besides 2 people. Please for the love of God merge Server 43; Im the savior of this server apparently since no one is willing to try and make a change for our server. Please read this OASIS!
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On 2017-04-12 06:31:06Show this Author Only

server ID: S28 Tobirama
Server Region: NY
Server Age: Estimated 9 months
sage battlefield: we can still do our sage battlefields, but barely. Last week we got our first miss due to inactivity.
World boss: 8 mins
Hp of world boss: 47581656
number of participants on great ninja war: 4 (1 of which is a small group only going for rewards the other being a group which just lost their GNW privileges due to activity rate loss)
Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 54K, AVG top 10 : 53K, AVG Top 20 : 49k
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On 2017-04-12 07:26:35Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S246
2. Server Region NY
3. Server Age: ~4 months
4. Sage World Battlefield: No longer occurs
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10- min 60m health
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2
7. AVG Top 5: 53k, AVG Top 10: 46k, AVG Top 20: 38k
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On 2017-04-12 07:39:03Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S165 S168 S171
2. Server Region: US EAST
3. Server Age: +7month
4. Sage Battlefield: 3 out of 3 completed, but we dont get more than 25 people on a 3 server merged
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10 minutes

6. World Boss Hp on Tuesday: 25m
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 groups
8. Average Power Rank of Top 5: 58k, Top 10: 51k, Top 20: 46k : i think the real average you need to take in count is Agarthor 90k power now so merge us with higher servers

The server is slowly dying. Activity is decreasing even though we got merged already
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On 2017-04-12 07:59:37Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S383
2. Server Region: NY
3. Server Age: Estimated 2+ month (based on date opening to current date)
4. Sage Battlefield: We currently don't have one
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 12 minutes++
6. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 13953514
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2
8. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 30K, AVG top 10 : 27K, AVG Top 20 : 24k

This post was last edited by woo*** at 2017-4-12 08:12
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On 2017-04-12 08:02:14Show this Author Only

Server ID: S332 totsuka blade
Server Region: US East NY
Server Age: 3 months +
Sage Battlefield: 0 out of 3 , Going on 4 weeks straight.
Time taken to kill World Boss: 10 minutes
World Boss HP on Tuesday : 17M
No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3
Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 45K, AVG top 10 : 38K, AVG Top 20 : 28k
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On 2017-04-12 08:27:03Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S225
2. Server Region: NY
3. Server Age: 5 1/2 months
4. Sage Battlefield: Haven't had one in weeks now.
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 5 minutes
6. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 19M
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: Only 1
8. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 53K, AVG top 10 : 47K, AVG Top 20 : 41k (Our top player and biggest spender has already quit so these numbers dont accurately represent our server right now) This post was last edited by Icey465 at 2017-4-29 07:52
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On 2017-04-12 08:50:37Show this Author Only
We really need a merde please. We're maybe 15 active players, the other ones are alts or casual players.
1. Server ID: S246
2. Server Region NY
3. Server Age: ~4/5 months
4. Sage World Battlefield: We dont have sage since 2 weeks because there's not enough active people.
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: ~9 min
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2
7. AVG Top 5: 55k, AVG Top 10: 51k, AVG Top 20: 46k
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On 2017-04-12 08:54:15Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S43: Minato
2. Server Region: NY
3. Server Age: 8+ months
4. Sage Battlefied: We get them regularly but only like 5-6 ppl in all lands and they be afk; only like 6-7 ppl are active during sage.
5. Time to kill World Boss: around 10-15 mins.
6. World Boss HP: 44569264 X 20 Lvl 41
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3
8. Average Power Rank Top 5 average: 64,041, Top 10 average: 58,970, Top 20 average: 50,196.
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On 2017-04-12 09:09:48Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S314 Lightning Protector
2. Server Region: NY
3. Server Age: +/- 2 months and a half
4. Sage Battlefield: 5-7 people in group, But most of the time it does not have for lack of registered players
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 5 to 10 minutes
6. World Boss HP on Tuesday : From 25 to 30 M
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 guilds with 15 to 20 players in each
8. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 38k, AVG top 10 : 33K, AVG Top 20 : 28k

When we want the battle of the sages we have to register fakes accounts so that we can start and sometimes not even this of the account and after 5 min only has 2 people
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On 2017-04-12 09:10:49Show this Author Only
We are waiting for a merge for a while now. Help us to help you keeping the game going strong.

1. Server ID: S312 Hot Sword
2. Server Region: UK
3. Server Age: 3.25 Months
4. Sage Battlefield: 2/3
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 12 minutes
6. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 26mil
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2
8. Average Power Rank of Top 5: 44K, Top 10: 40k, Top 20 : 37K
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On 2017-04-12 10:13:05Show this Author Only
Server ID: S350 Vacuum Bullets
Server Region: NY
Server Age: around 2-3 months
Sage: full teams but usually only 6 ninjas on each side
Time taken to kill world boss: Around 8-10 min
World Boss HP: 20 million
Number of groups participating: 3 but its one-sided
Average power rank of top 5: 38.84k Top 10: 35.35k Top 20: 31k This post was last edited by heq*** at 2017-4-12 10:16
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On 2017-04-12 10:13:54Show this Author Only
Server Merge Request
1. Server ID: S215
2. Server Region: NY
3. Server Age: more then 4 Months
4. Sage Battlefield: 0 Sage World Battlefields (never play)
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 8-10 mins
6. World Boss HP on wednesday : 11 m
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3, but just a little is attend every member in group.
GNW did quickly.
8. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : 41K, 39K, 34K
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On 2017-04-12 10:24:44Show this Author Only
Server Merge Request
1. Server ID: S215 - Bashosen
2. Server Region: NY
3. Server Age: more then 4 Months
4. Sage Battlefield: 0 Sage World Battlefields (never play)
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 8-10 mins
6. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 11 m
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3, but just a little is attend every member in group.
GNW did quickly.
8. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : 41K, 39K, 34K
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 12:07:31Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S8 Tenten
2. Server Region: LA
3. Server Age: Estimated 8+ months, released late July
4. Sage Battlefield: 3/3 lands, around 10ish in each land
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 6 min today, the 11th of april
6. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 59M
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3
8. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 62700k , AVG top 10 : 59317k, AVG Top 20 : 55029k
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On 2017-04-12 12:12:52Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S8 Tenten
2. Server Region: LA
3. Server Age: Estimated 8+ months, released late July
4. Sage Battlefield: 3/3 lands, around 10 in each land
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 6 min today, the 11th of april
6. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 59M
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3
8. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 62700k , AVG top 10 : 59317k, AVG Top 20 : 55029k This post was last edited by 106***@google at 2017-4-12 12:14
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On 2017-04-12 12:13:32Show this Author Only

1. Server ID: S8 Tenten
2. Server Region: LA
3. Server Age: Estimated 8+ months, released late July
4. Sage Battlefield: 3/3 lands, around 10ish in each land
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 6 min today, the 11th of april
6. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 59M
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3
8. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 62700k , AVG top 10 : 59317k, AVG Top 20 : 55029k
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 12:18:39Show this Author Only
I came to communicate that the server "301 Almighty Push" is impossible to play. We do not have players (Max 20 active players)and we need the merger so we can play. The "Invasion of the ninetails" has just max 15 players, "Sage world battlefields" did not have enough players, "Great Ninja War" only have two groups that participate and does not have 10 players in each team. I come to ask for attention to the server "301 Almighty Push", Please merge.
Server Merge Request:
1. Server ID: S301
2. Server Region:
3. Server Age: Around 6 months (Im not sure)
4. Sage Battlefield: We do not have enough players.
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 10~15 min.
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2 groups, "Horde" and "Liquid"
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 :
Top 5: 39.4k
Top 10: 35.4k
Top 20: 31.3k
Quicky Post

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