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[ Updates ] Server Merge Request - 10th April


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 20
  • Posts: 63
On 2017-04-18 10:58:20Show All Posts
Good Evening Oasis, I'm going to sound like a * for saying this, but oh well.
S 24 isn't really dead. It's been long suffering and a good chunk of people have quit and balance has fallen off, but it can move around (barely) without life support. That being said, there is no competition. As such, we ask that you merge us with any of the other NY based servers up until 77. These servers are old enough to provide group based alternatives to the current status quo of just one big group murdering two smaller groups week in, week out. Plus, the influx of competition means that more people spend money! Everyone wins! (Except those who don't get their merger).

Anyways. Here's the boring stuff.
1: S24- Hiruzen, the old dead guy
2: Server region: NY, the not capital of the universe (That's Toronto)
3: Age: 9 months and a few days
4: Sage: 8 people a battlefield for Easter, 10 on a average day, 12 on a good day
5: Time taken to wipe out Kyubi-chan? 8 minutes give or take
6: WB hP: 51 million, lvl 41
7: GNW groups: 3, with 1 group basing the other two until the victims are very very dead.
8: Average power: Top 5 is about 60k, Top 10 55k, and top 20 50k.

Happy merging Oasis!
Quicky Post

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