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[ Updates ] Server Merge Request - 10th April


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 8
  • Posts: 17
On 2017-05-01 04:12:30Show All Posts

1. Server ID: S369
2. Server Region: UK
3. Server Age: Estimated 3+ month
4. Sage Battlefield: To be able to trigger it we are using alt accounts.
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: 12 minutes++
6. World Boss HP on Tuesday : 35M
7. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2
8. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 40K, AVG top 10 : 37K, AVG Top 20 : 32k

I truly speak from the bottom of my heart, merge our server. I know that oasis is a company and companies are there to make money but as a player who regularly spends money on this game i am becoming slowly dispassionate and losing my love for it and when i finally lose full interest i will stop playing therefor stop spending and there are many others not only from my server but from the entire community who feel the same way, yet you keep opening new servers and delaying merges. This is simply going to further fragment the player base until it is unplayable even for new players who you are trying to attract by making new servers where people are all the same level.

Thank you for reading this post and i beg of you start making some changes or not only will naruto online fail as a game but oasis will fail as a company.
Quicky Post

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