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[ Fanfiction ] (T) Midnight Blaze- Chapter 1: For Whom the Bell... Jingles [Part 1]


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-10 07:19:19Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Plz read the prologue first. link below. Thanks! *Non-sarcastic bow, since I am actually really grateful you came. Even if it was a mistake and you immediately clicked the back arrow*
“...I’m hungry,” Crimson said. Azure was sitting on the ground, stripping the white cores from grass and tossing them in her mouth.
“Where. Is. Our. Teacher!??” Breeze growled, “We’ve been standing here for at least an hour now listening to the sound of stomachs trying to eat themselves, and Azure’s resorted to eating grass!”
“It’s not that bad,” Azure piped up mildly.
“Joke’s on him, I had breakfast anyway,” Scarlet snickered.
“…I’m actually going to strangle you.” Midnight blinked, “Heads up, someone’s coming.” They heard the sound of footsteps coming around the corner of a nearby building.
“Sorry, I got held up cutting- … WHAT!?” Kakashi’s new students turned to face him as he stopped dead in his tracks.
“No… Impossible! No, no, NO, NOOOO!!!!!! This isn’t happening, right!? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!? THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!!!!! I KNOW YOU DID THIS!!! IIIIRRRRRUUUUUKKKAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!” He fell to his knees, cursing at the sky, fingers forming claws and digging into the fabric of his mask. Back at the school building, Iruka sneezed.
“Huh. It’s a little early for a cold,” he mused, rubbing his nose.
Scarlet brightened when he saw who their new instructor was.
“Kakaaaashiiiii-senseeeeiiiiiiii! Yoroshiku onegai shimaaaaaassssssu, heh heh heh heh heh!” he cackled menacingly, rubbing his hands together, red eyes glimmering with sinister glee. He shot a calculating glance at Midnight. Though at first glance he looked as impassive as ever, the corner of his mouth twitched sporadically. Crimson, who had been staring wide eyed at Scarlet after his display of evil intent, slowly turned to Kakashi and gave him a sheepish, sympathetic grin. Azure and Breeze both looked at him pityingly.
“It’ll be alright, sensei,” Breeze comforted. A single tear marked a trail down Kakashi’s cheek, and by the time it soaked into top of his mask, he seemed to have pulled himself together.
“Deep breaths Kakashi, phooowhew. PHHHOOOOOOwwwhhheeewww. Okay, everybody. Maybe you’ve heard about this from your fellow classmates, but my way of doing things is a little different from other teachers.” Midnight snorted. He didn’t know what Kakashi had been hearing about his own teaching methods, but from what Midnight had heard, that was the understatement of the year. Kakashi coughed.
“Now, I know you must be tired of quizzes, seeing as you’ve just had your graduation exams and such, but we’ll be taking another test today. Fortunately, you’ll need no paper or pencil for this one. So, follow me everyone, we’ll be heading to the training field!” he said, disappearing in a puff of smoke.
“How much you wanna bet that was a clone? He seems to be fond of those,” Scarlet grinned, leaping into the air.
“I thought we were supposed to sit in a circle and tell each other if we had any pets and what we liked to eat and stuff,” Crimson raised his eyebrows, jumping up after his teammate.
“Eat…” Breeze said wistfully, following suit.
The fire ninja took a deep breath of the cold, fresh air. He loved being so high up, and even though the air was a little thinner, it was also so much sweeter. The sun was high and warm at his back, little birds swept past his fingertips, singing little songs. That they were not *ing on him was also a plus. He slowly closed his eyes, savouring the feeling… Until he was very suddenly kicked in the back.
“Huh!?” he cried, hurtling headfirst towards the trees of Konoha. Mind blank, his hands automatically came together and formed the signs for his signature jutsu.
‘Serpent! Dragon! Hare! Tiger!’
“Katon! Ryuuka no jutsu!” A wave of heat blasted the rest of team 10 away from their intended landing spots as a huge flame dragon engulfed the area below. Scarlet, thrown up by the strength of the jutsu, touched down on the ground feather light. Fortunately, the clearing was mostly filled with fresh trodden grass that burned quickly and left only smoky earth and cooling embers. The few burning trees at the edge of the clearing, and the three wooden stakes in the center of the training field were swiftly put out by a panicking Azure. As they gathered in the center, Scarlet turned to the rest with a scowl.
“Okay, who was it? Who the crap kicked me in the back and almost killed me?” he said, squinting at each of them, arms folded.
Crimson, who had been unsuccessfully trying to keep a straight face, burst into laughter.
“Aw, you shoulda seen your face! Sorry dude, you just looked like you were having way too much fun trolololol, killed you, ohoho don’t be such a drama queen! Dont’cha think it was kinda overkill to burn all these trees though? Hahaha, I rained on your parade, and you rained fire and destruction on Konoha forest! GYAHAHAHA-OUCH!” Kakashi had silently come up behind them, shielding his chakra as only a jounin could, and whopped Crimson on the back of the head. Though there was a painstaking smile on what was visible of his face, they could practically see angry veins pulsing in his temple.
“For the record, yeah, it was overkill. But what are you doing kicking your teammates out of the sky??”
‘These brats will really be the death of me,’ he thought bleakly, ‘And possibly the forest. Throw in the village for good measure. Man, and I thought Naruto and Sasuke were bad!’
“Okay, team 10. Here’s the plan for today,” he fished around in his pocket, pulling out three small, silver bells.
“Since our team is strangely large, I took the liberty of getting another bell, which means that only two of you will starve today!” The genin exchanged confused glances. They were already starving. Except for Scarlet. That *.
“Your job,” he pointed at them, “Is to obtain one of these bells. Do whatever you need to do to get them. Those who successfully do so will be able to eat the bentos I brought today. If you don’t, you will be tied to these stakes, to watch the others eat and reflect on what you did wrong,” he gestured to the three damp, charred wooden stumps, “Also, I won’t be paying for your dry cleaning bills. It’s pretty straightforward.”
The bells swung lightly in his grasp, and Scarlet’s eyes followed them like a cat watching it’s prey. A grin slowly spread across his face as he studied them closely. This did not go unnoticed by a certain lightning ninja.
“Oi. What are you plotting over there, you sneaky *?” Midnight scrutinized his teammate, narrowed eyes shifting from the bells to Scarlet and back again. Scarlet straightened, putting on a injured front of innocence. He swaggered around the team and it’s instructor, finally coming to a halt between Azure and Crimson.
“Me? Plotting? Sneaky? I’m wounded! Azure, tell him how honorable and sincere I am!” Scarlet said grandly, putting an arm on her shoulder.
“Yesterday he broke into my house, raided my fridge, and tried to give my cat a haircut before escaping out the window and lying about all of it,” she deadpanned.
“...Ahem, didn’t I tell you that you left the window open and the birds came in? These Konohan birds, you know them, hahaha!”
“Birds snipped SCARL- into my cat’s fur, ate all my food, and turned into an orange vested, black haired 12 year old leaping out of my window?”“...Yes.”

link to the next part, if you bother with this crap! All criticism welcome! ... =1&extra=#pid125486 This post was last edited by Goat_Kiddie911 at 2017-4-20 04:58 This post was last edited by Goat_Kiddie911 at 2017-4-20 05:13
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-10 08:10:14Show this Author Only
There were so many funny lines in just this chapter xD though I'm kind of wondering why Scarlet is already 16 years old... :o
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-10 09:41:32Show this Author Only
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-04-10 08:10:14
  • There were so many funny lines in just this chapter xD though I'm kind of wondering why Scarlet is already 16 years old... :o
I wonder the same o.O
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-10 19:44:24Show this Author Only
Poor Kakashi. <:3_62:>

This is really good though. You've got yourself a fan now, haha! XDD
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-11 13:47:48Show this Author Only
  • Umi_Kumo On 2017-04-10 19:44:24
  • Poor Kakashi. <:3_62:>

    This is really good though. You've got yourself a fan now, haha! XDD
Yay! It's you! Thanks for coming again!

I'm amazed you could possibly think it's good, I'm thinking it's really kinda repetitive and boring... How do people deal with five main characters? I don't know how Rick Riordan does it...

Still, thank you very much!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 13:25:30Show this Author Only
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-04-10 08:10:14
  • There were so many funny lines in just this chapter xD though I'm kind of wondering why Scarlet is already 16 years old... :o
Wait what do you guys mean why is he already 16? lol I accidentally type in 29 before I realized...EDIT: *GASP* <:3_43:><:3_50:><:3_44:><:3_47:> I goofed. I just went off their wikis and I forgot that they were genin... I'll definitely change it later, thanks guys! Man, I was so confuzzled... <:3_57:>
This post was last edited by Goat_Kiddie911 at 2017-4-12 13:32
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 13:31:47Show this Author Only
  • No Way Jose On 2017-04-12 13:25:30
  • Wait what do you guys mean why is he already 16? lol I accidentally type in 29 before I realized...EDIT: *GASP* <:3_43:><:3_50:><:3_44:><:3_47:> I goofed. I just went off their wikis and I forgot that they were genin... I'll definitely change it later, thanks guys! Man, I was so confuzzled... <:3_57:>
    This post was last edited by Goat_Kiddie911 at 2017-4-12 13:32
:lol 29? lol
I was kinda curious about the mains' ages, since... if Scarlet's currently 16, then that's when the mains graduated from the academy... :o
Quicky Post

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