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[ Events ] Naruto Online - Easter Event!


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On 2017-04-10 00:43:39Show this Author Only

1. Server 166: Monkey King
2. UID: 200000082727806
3. Character Name: Qolem
4. Maybe a story or caption!
"Well... I'm not getting that honey anytime soon...
Maybe I can poke it with a * or sth~"

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On 2017-04-10 02:29:30Show this Author Only
Server: S198
UID: 200000092049538
Character name: Neji☲Uchiha

Sai's dilemma
Which one to pick (or paint)?
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On 2017-04-10 04:14:07Show this Author Only
Server : 17
UID: 200000082395536
Character Name : MEMU

General Memu : "Good morning soldiers"
Soldiers : "Good morning general Memu"
General Memu : "I can't hear you!"
General Memu : "I still can't hear you!!!"
General Memu : "OK! Enought! Now go make 3 laps around Konoha!"
Soldiers : "AS YOU SAID ! General Memu"
General Memu : "Shut up and look at my eyes!!!!!"
This post was last edited by LopatataCS at 2017-4-10 04:21
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On 2017-04-10 04:23:33Show this Author Only
1. Server: S17 Zabuza / UK
2. UID: 200000085982264
3. Character Name: TorqueUchiha
4. Story/Caption: "After successfully hiding the Easter Eggs for the Egg Hunt at the Hokage's demand, I set foot to the Konoha Cliff with Pakkun and Shiba, in order to watch the sunset with them while eating Easter chocolate at the same time. Why? Because Easter feels better when you have companions to share with" (This would do a great Instagram photo description xD)

Happy Easter, guys! ^^
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On 2017-04-10 06:12:27Show this Author Only
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On 2017-04-10 06:15:51Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-04-10 06:12:27
I am a legend on my server
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On 2017-04-10 13:01:28Show this Author Only
1. Server: S254
2. UID: 200000094524811
3. Character name: Leafninja
4. Story/caption:
Sasuke: Why are you so obsessed......with standing in my way?

Naruto: .....

Sasuke: I acquired this strength so I could cut everything off and enter the darkness.
Naturally....everyone tried to break there bond with me at least once.
But you.... You never did...
Why are you so determined to stay involved with me?!

Naruto: How many time do i have to tell you? Don't you get it by now?

Sasuke: Just answer me!

Naruto: Because we're friends.

:'( the feels :'(
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On 2017-04-10 14:33:54Show this Author Only
Server - S33:Kurenai
UID - 200000084354447
Caracter name - Kagami

Easter eggs for all of my ninja friends.
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On 2017-04-10 15:57:15Show this Author Only
Server: S238: Death Mirage

UID: 200000093751953

Character Name: Void❅Reiko❅

Easter Egg Hunt~

(where can i find those hidden egg?~)
bruff~ bruff~ bruff~
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On 2017-04-10 15:57:51Show this Author Only
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On 2017-04-10 18:16:31Show this Author Only
1. Server : 408 - Look For Jiraiya
2. UID : 200000084468547
3. Character Name : ミイラShadowS

One day, after Sasuke hangout with his best friend, Naruto... He saw something change in the of Konoha. When he came closer, he saw and egg with weird appearance.

"Whats wrong with this egg...? " think him deeply *yzing it.
"This is Divine Egg, an Easter Egg..."

Sasuke really shocked after been told by invinsible voice. A minute later, Kakashi sensei and Sakura appeared.

"Sasuke kun..."
"Where is Naruto? Isn't he with you?"
"Hai Sakura! Naruto went dating with Hinata, Kakashi sensei."
"Ahhh, it's nice to heard that. :lol"

"Sensei... Can I asking?"
"I saw this egg and it's look weird. Maybe because it colours and pattern."
"What egg Sasuke kun?"
"Yeah... Egg? I didn't see it. I just saw Fukurokumaru san."
"Errr... Are u guys really didn't see it? The polkadot egg..."

Sakura and Kakashi sensei just nodding.

"Weird.. Why only me can see this egg... and that voice..."

Suddently, an Anbu Leader appeard in front of those three.

"Sorry for disturbing Kakashi senpai. I just want to meet Sasuke."
"Ahhh, don't call me senpai. Just go ahead and talk to him."
"Sorry again senpai... but Sasuke, Hokage sama wants to meet you right now."
"Ahhh, sound important..."
"Yes Kakashi senpai. It's really important and Sasuke need to go ASAP!"

After been told by Anbu Leader, Sasuke went to Hokage office.

"Sasuke... hereby, I assigning you to chase an Easter Egg!"
"Easter Egg??"
"Yes! An Egg that you saw in the middle of Konoha."
"I see. So, Hokage sama know about that egg?"
"Yes, but not much. According to the anbu roots, Easter Egg has appeared in Shinobi World and someone need to get information about this 'special event'. That's why I want you to take charge of this assignment."
"As you wish Hokage sama..."
"Good. Itachi will proud of you. Go and find the information about Easter Egg."

After several minutes, Sasuke wandering around Konoha. Searching and information about Easter Egg. He asking Teuchi san but he only have a normal egg to put in ramen. Then he went to West Konoha and met Canteen Chef but they don't know anything about an Easter Egg. They just have chicken to make a main course dinner. After that, he go to East Konoha and meet owner of meat * store but she also didn't know about Easter egg. She just know how to make a meat ball with fish and meat.

"I really don't get it. Why is this task to hard for me? Itachi.. help me brother... If not, I''ll failed this task and your name will be tainted..."
"Sasuke.. no matter what you do, I will love you always..."
"Follow your path... I'm here beside you..."

He sit and think deep about his task. Suddently, he remember someone that nere North Konoha. He then meet Guy.

"Guy sensei...!"
"My disciple, how are you today?"
"I'm fine Guy sensei, but I need to asking you about Easter Egg..."
"Easter Egg.. I heard it before but I can't remember. What is Easter Egg?"
"Errr, it's looks weird and colourfull."
"Ohhh I see. Youth nowadays too creative. They also can colouring an egg. That's good! I also need to train with Lee how to colouring and sketching."
"Oh my... Sensei.. Can you just remember about Easter Egg and told me about that. I need it's information and it was my tasked!"
"Dear Sasuke kun... Hrmmm.... Ermmmm... Gwahhhh!!! I remember it now!"
"Really sensei?!"
"Easter Egg will appear in Crow Forest... Land of Wind... Deadwood Forest... and..."
"The Land Danzo been killeb by your hatred... Land of Iron.."
"I don't like him too much."
"Don't be like that again my disciple..."
"Anyway Sasuke kun... Easter egg will appeard at 19:00 o'clock and you need to find it before it's dissapeared...!"
"OK! Thanks for the information Konoha Green Beast!"

After *yzing the information about Easter Egg, Sasuke went to stated map. Not just him seeking an information about that weird egg, ninja from other village also searching for it. At 19:00, the Easter Egg appear and Sasuke and egg looks same as in Konoha. He then grab it, suddently he got a lots of coins and equipment tools. After getting an information and rewarded items, he back to Konoha and meet the Fifth Hokage.

"How was your assignment Sasuke?"
"As you said, the Easter Egg really appeard just like an event. Not just me search for it. Ninja around Shinobi World also went there."
"I see. You got the reward?"
"Reward..? You mean this?"

Sasuke dropped a lots of gold coins in front of Tsunade. Shizune really get surprised. Tonton just uwik uwik!

"Now I can go gambling again. Shizune! Calle Raikage san, we got a big bet tonight. :loveliness:"
"Hokage sama... :Q"

Sasuke totally depressed. His task just wasted :@ Mangkeyou Rinnegan then awakened.

Thanks for reading xD

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On 2017-04-11 22:26:25Show this Author Only
  • Ashley- On 2017-04-08 09:45:44
  • 1.Server 457 Eternal Bonds
    2. UID 200000086273518
    3. Character: ๖ۣۜPatricia
    4. Caption: Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.
    In finding love, I think it's important to be patient. In being in a relationship, I think it's important to be honest, to communicate, to respect and trust, and to strive to give more than you take. And it's you my little cutie Easter Eggs This post was last edited by 140***@facebook at 2017-4-9 18:31
wonderful words
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On 2017-04-12 03:12:39Show this Author Only
Delete this please This post was last edited by PervySage at 2017-4-11 20:20
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On 2017-04-12 05:37:35Show this Author Only
1. Server 450 - "Clumsy Smile"
2. UID - 200000102886604
3. Character Name - Suiro

4. Caption - Guess who will find some eggs ! ;P :loveliness: This post was last edited by Suiro at 2017-4-12 05:42
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On 2017-04-13 02:44:46Show this Author Only
Suna Ninja: I think that this egg will be appropiate to top secret mission, sir!
Gaara: Yes it is ideal. So huge, so colorful and so rare.
Suna Ninja: It is a new kind of a new hidden weapon, sir?
Gaara: No. My wife, Shijima ask me to buy some eggs after the work. But I forget about its.
Suna Ninja: ???
Gaara:I think that Shijima will make the best scrambled egg!

Server: S33 Kurenai
Character Name: KaMi92
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On 2017-04-13 08:49:12Show this Author Only
Server : S118:Yagura
UID : 200000089688183
Character Name : DawnAngel

wait time for a meeting between leaders ...
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On 2017-04-14 00:32:39Show this Author Only
Server : S302: Universal Pull
UID : 200000096328245
Character name : Koten

The Akatsuki's "easter"

Deidara and Tobi, who had not once thought about easter after joining the Akatsuki, were looking for eggs.

Deidara: Heh, you see this? This is not art, not even close to art!
Tobi: Oh stop complaining senpai! We're here to look for eggs, aren't we?

Tobi said whilst picking up an odd looking egg

Deidara: Hn...
Deidara then starting moulding one of his clay birds, and placed it on the pile of eggs they had found
Deidara: KATSU!
Tobi: Senpai! Why did you do that!? Those eggs took ages to find!
Deidara: I don't care, this is wasting all of our time..
Tobi: Oh least I have a good attitude!
Deidara: At least I don't act like a 5 year old!
Tobi: At least I don't look like a girl..
Deidara: TOBI!!!

Deidara then starting bombing the entire area around them

Tobi: Senpai!!

Itachi: Do those 2 ever stop arguing?
Kisame: Heh I guess not..maybe shark skin can help with that?
Itachi: Just leave them, they'll stop soon.

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On 2017-04-14 04:42:10Show this Author Only
Server: s105: Tsurugi
UID: 200000088335811
Character name: Miyakox3
So, I tell a story about me and the Naruto online :v
I played on the Naruto Online, and I helped my friend to find the easter eggs. We made a team of 2 players and went to collect the eggs. Then a player joined us. I said "We aren't doin' Team Instance now". But this man didn't leave. (I'm Hungarian) My friend and I chatted in Hungarian. Then I accidentally started a fight and my friend said that the other team member should leave. Then my friend was crashed. Then the man told some words in Hungarian. I was really surprised on that, mostly because he hadn't said anything before. Sorry, It's a long story. :D
This post was last edited by Miyakox3 at 2017-4-14 04:45
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On 2017-04-14 11:50:53Show this Author Only
server : S249:Snake Sword
UID : 200000101854732
Character Name : OppaiNista

Story : I believe Sasuke would be my take home to Konoha. dont cry sasuke i love you :V

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On 2017-04-15 12:48:35Show this Author Only
I've been lookin for the easter eggs, but I can't find them. Where are they? Please let me know.
Quicky Post

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