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[ Events ] Events - 30th March


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 5
  • Posts: 29
On 2017-03-31 22:10:12Show All Posts
can you pl0x extend the time for the great plates event .-.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 5
  • Posts: 29
On 2017-04-01 19:17:11Show All Posts
  • TheWakkaSage On 2017-03-31 22:50:24
  • why the event is rigged like every other event wheel. 50 spins and about 40 of them were coins or bbq
its cuz most of us spent some coupons and we didnt get anything
(im talking about those that wont even reach 120)
so if possible just so we can get the seals that would be really nice :D
Quicky Post

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