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[ Events ] This can't be a coincedence


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 137
On 2017-03-28 03:30:32Show All Posts
Meanwhile players dealing with this and daiske laughing in discord:
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 137
On 2017-03-28 04:15:44Show All Posts
  • Riddle1206 On 2017-03-28 04:08:12
  • 13 of his total of 17 comments he did about the consumption wheel and the baruto topic today... makes me wonder too. This all is just sad what is happening since 3 days.
    This post was last edited by Riddle1206 at 2017-3-28 04:10
Misterious indeed.
Quicky Post

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