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[ News ] Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-26 19:11:44Show All Posts
Everything is rigged, not just events and i will present my case, seal treasures. Every 60 pulls you get a rare ninja, on every treasure, if for a chance you dont get one you are one of the most unlucky person on the game. I got Ao from exactly 60 free pulls on sage treasure, then used 60 scrolls and got orochimaru traitor. i did 240 pulls on the kage treasure and got 4 rares. 60 free puls on tendo and got chikoshodo. Conclusion there is no actual rng.

As a mostly f2p my concerns are not the events, is the fact that i cant work my way to something. I cant get 1 ninja every event week, who cares? Now, if i can week by week piece together a ninja i'm fine with it, i managed to do that with Sage Jiraiya over 3 months of events but he was the only one.

Also some spending players get mad because they dont see the value of what they spend towards, remember first time minato came in the weel? they spen for him and didnt got him, but if the rewards they did got were decent, they would be ok with it because they would have seen some WORTHY REWARDS to justify what they spent, even if they didnt got what they really wanted.

CN version also had problems at start but they learnd from their mistakes and now they have it good, and so can Oasis, if you listen to the players.
There you can get 90% of the ninjas for free over time (some in elite instances, others are added to shops with reasonable prices after 2-3 treasures have been released), and for the rest of them you can even piece some together over time (some features and events with cuppons instead of ingots only). With that in mind some f2p start to think about other stuff namelly power. So if they can get the ninjas and lack the power they are more easily available to spend some money on getting that power (1 expense instead of 2), Oasis doesnt get all the money at once, but it will get more over time with the free players spending even if it is 10$ a month, it all adds up.

Also the f2p community is essential to any game like this one, without them the spenders will quit the game and why? Imagine this scenario, all f2p decide to stop atending PVP events at all, what will spenders do? they will have no one to play against. Why do you think spenders cash in? for fun? NO, to get an advantage over others, well if there is no others why would they spend?

If only paying gamers matter try to make 1 server only with them and see how many will quit in under 1 month.

In conclusion you need both, but more important you need to listen to them.
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On 2017-03-26 19:25:51Show All Posts
  • Beji On 2017-03-26 18:38:40
  • I thought the same thing at first, while watching the first stream he did. But then on his second stream I changed my mind real fast. He is just as shady as he claims the mods/devs to be, and he even tried to extort 200k from them for his silence.

    Of course he played it off like he was just asking and he was mainly trying to help the community. But had they paid him, he never would have made the second stream and he would have just vanished, completely selling us out for his own personal gain.

    So yeah, his message was good at first...but the man is *. He is certainly no hero.
I agree with you he is not my hero at all, but his info was what we needed to * it to Oasis , most of us already knew it, and he confirmed what we already knew, the thing is now we have proof it is true and not just an instinct.

Not wanting to advirtise, but one thing that really got me on the first stream was how Oasis didn't like ScionStorm and his followers, because he shows what other versions of the game are doing and what is to come, so they have less margin to do whatever with it. People watch him, have access to information and in their right mind demand from Oasis to behave.
They see it as a problem, and is one of the reasons the rule against speacking of other versions even exists in the dirst place.

The odd part is that they have a web browser game and yet dont seem to grast the concept of how information is shared on the internet :lol
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On 2017-03-26 20:45:21Show All Posts
  • kuaiLan On 2017-03-26 20:32:10
one of the things they also dont understand as you mentioned is that cross server is BS.
cross server is only needed because most servers are dead, if the servers were more populated it wouldnt be even necessary.

also some of us run away from a server if there is a big spender there because we know there is no chance for competion, what do they do, force cross server where you will be forced to face the big spenders.

the only cross server needed is what they now announce is to come the world pvp tournament and/or/aka Space time. that is it, and that is so big spenders can face each other while keeping the superiority on their servers, and for us to get excited with what they can do and maybe think about spending a little. Justified publicity stunt to increase revenue, and i'm ok with that.
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On 2017-03-27 00:06:14Show All Posts
If Oasis really wants to start listening to players and making actual changes, here is a list of the ninjas that CN version had in shops before they updated to the scroll reruitment system or star system or what ever is called.

The ones in green should already be in the shops, maybe a bit more expensive so the price can drop to this prices over time
The oranges ones could also be since they are login ninjas that were already given.

You have no idea how long this would go to actually cater to the players.

And you want to know how to keep players happy? Just * to the * script.
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On 2017-03-27 00:24:19Show All Posts
  • Blaz On 2017-03-27 00:12:27
  • Two Ninjas was way too much upgrade for them in last 6 months shop date, they will most likely not gonna add more ninjas in another 6 months.

    Thanks for the list though, but at this point don't know if this game is gonna survive that long. :)
As a player I'm giving them a chance to improve by showing them what I expect from them, and as a gesture of good will they could try to do it for next week update.

I did my part, now its up to them.
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On 2017-03-27 01:48:02Show All Posts
  • OMGZAPPY On 2017-03-27 01:40:37
  • I see Aristeaus was right after all go f2p folks. What a joke I'm not spending anymore until oasis gets there crap together. Also if you ban me i have no problem doing a chargeback. This post was last edited by omg*** at 2017-3-27 01:42
i second that, all go f2p until we see some real change, lets see how long they can keep the servers running without money comming in
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On 2017-03-27 02:17:49Show All Posts
  • AssumedParasite On 2017-03-27 01:58:40
  • Have you ever heard of something called RNG. If you don't understand this game is almost pure RNG. Learn it, its not the fault of the company if you don't know it.
RNG means that its a random chance within certain limits / parameters, the problem is that for most things there seems to be a fixed low chance of getting it, and that, sir, is not RNG.

like the 60 scrolls for a rare from the treasure pulls.
and being truth, the 0.5% mentioned for the big prizes on the weels and sometimes with a dailly amount limit on them.

those are fixed values, the only random part i see is the rare ninja you get at the treasure pulls.
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On 2017-03-27 02:45:07Show All Posts
  • AssumedParasite On 2017-03-27 02:27:11
  • RNG means that its a random chance within certain limits / parameters, the problem is that for most things there seems to be a fixed low chance of getting it, and that, sir, is not RNG.

    RNG is a fixed % of something you can get. For example
    If you have a 1% change to get S. Itachi frags every time you pull and its a 40% change to get AO or kakashi or w.e ninja you want. Out of 1000 pulls or spins or whatever you are more likly to get AO or whatever ninja at 40% than you are to get S. Itachi frags which is 1%. That is what rng is out of a single event you get this % to get this thing. If you happen to get the thing that is 30 or 40% and never get the 1% than so be it. Of course the % are rigged for events why wouldn't they be they want money.
but its not working entirelly like that on the seals.
there is a pool for the rares, another for the super rares and a set % for the frags like itachi.
every 60 pulls you get 1 ninja from the rare pool, at 400/800 you get a ninja from the super rare, in the kage treasure for example the 5th rare will almost for sure be a duplicate.

so there is said percentage of RNG on the ninja you get, but a fixed system on when you get it, and that is the bad part and what i'm against.
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On 2017-03-27 04:54:31Show All Posts
it is true that we complain in the beginning of each week about the events and stuff annd then stop, but that is because players get tired of saying the same stuff over and over and never getting listenned to.

their logic: they end up liking the event we put up.

it just show how disconected they are of what really is going on.
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On 2017-03-27 20:35:40Show All Posts
  • McDonald's On 2017-03-27 18:00:49
  • Not just the wheel, they rigged everything in the game.

not wanting to offend but you are being a moron with that example, you know exactly what it takes to upgrade that, 40 runes, the fact that you can get it earlier its luck based, but they tell you that in a normal situation it will be 40 runes or very close to it to upgrade the item.

the information is right there for anyone to see, its a failsafe situation and you know in advance what you are getting in to.
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On 2017-03-27 20:44:45Show All Posts
  • Duall On 2017-03-27 17:50:11
  • This is bad guys. By rigging this wheel and giving everyone 50 coupons on free draw they messed up a big time... This is exactly the problem, that whoever is behind making the decision how the game goes on english server, doesn't understand how it should be. They don't understand us the players, they don't understand that we don't want free stuff, that we don't want things done easily. We want something to seek for, to work for, and be rewarded for spending our time in this game, we want to have fun, and you can't have fun if what you are doing in the game doesn't get you anywhere..
worst part is that after all that happened some players decided to recharge and spend on that wheel and then complain it was rigged even worst.

in case people didnt understand the message, you just proved their point, one BS message and people went straight back into giving them money.

Could anyone in their right mind consider they would make any big changes before the next week update?

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On 2017-03-28 01:44:13Show All Posts
  • TheWakkaSage On 2017-03-28 01:25:58
  • Just gonna start having to use a extra ninja tool to get 100% but i imagine that is rigged also. It will say 100% but really be 99.9% and still fail lol
i have reforged my tools with 100% several times and it never failled.

if the chance is not 100%, it means there is a chance it will, again not rigged.

stop trying to pin everything on a rigged system when you know what is need to actually make it.

rigged is when you dont even know what is behind it and they lie about what it is giving the idea of RNG where it isnt.
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On 2017-03-28 02:56:20Show All Posts
After so much drama i feel i should give my concrete opinion on the whole thing and not just point by point scenario.

Part 1 - You should share every new feature with us and ask for inputs from the community you dont need to give an ETA, just say what the feature is planned to be and ask what our oppinion would be.

Part 2:
1- It made sence to remove it (maybe a bit early) since the item its going to be removed and the mood system will work only with dangos in the future.
2- * TIME, it was announced in 2.0 features
3- There goes the we are not like the other versions speach, but dont we already have that? maybe some of those that complain just dont have high enough group to see all the rewards? Not sure cause i dont play the german version but i just checked and it seems the same to me.
4- It has been more then proven to be a lie, just update the benefit hall and the community events all together, no need for lies.
5- Bigger effort doesnt mean more actual servers merged. Just stop opening so many new servers, do 1 per region on the 1st day of each month. Create a cap for how many accounts can be in each server (let's say 5k-10k) delete the characters that check the same restrictions as for merged servers (under level 16; never recharged; not online in 2 weeks). Start merging 10 servers in 1 instead of just 3 and do 1 merge every week for each reagion until it is done and then stop it for some time and let the game balance it out.
6- I gave you the blueprint of what we expect here just follow the * script.

Part 3- GL's are only used to get info on the big spenders, they do make reports but said reports are ignored by the company and that is the GL's that complain about it, you are only using them to do grunt work and not to actually improve the game.
If you expect more people to apply to the GL positions maybe listen to them in the first place and keep an up to date list of the servers that still need one.

Part 4:
1- It's not false information if there are proof of it and they have been shown.
2- Long time rule, and makes sence why mention it?
3- Long time rule, and makes sence why mention it? Maybe apply the rule to the company since they insult our inteligence on a dailly basis?
4- Unless they signed a paper where that rules was already there you cant apply it to old members of the staff, only new ones, and even then its way out of porportion for the situation. Yes fire the person and take theirs perks but banning the game account that is going way to far.

Rigged "RNG" luck events like the wheels, why not replace them entirelly and give the ninjas on a spending/recharging event with a fixed price? why not tell the actual odds on those events and let people decide what to do with them.
Bad talking huge chunks of the gamming population of your game. Respect is earned.
Giving "free stuff" to staff members, personally i dont even care for that, again if instead of wheels we had spending/recharging events this would not be an issue.
Lack of transparency, we are adults you can talk to us and you should also listen to us, just be honest.
Why do you have to descend to this point for stuff to even be talked about?
Why avoid the game balancing? if there is no real competion the game will die.
We dont hate the game, we hate what is being done to it, at most the actual game and the franshise is what is keeping us around to this point.
Remember that in this english version of the game you have people from all types of economic backgrounds and the prices should take that into account.
Remember that you are a company that makes web games (ON THE INTERNET) expect people to be informed about other versions and don't complain about it, or even outright penalize people for sharing information.
If after a certain time we stop complaining on the forums, it's not because we changedour minds, we just got tired of doing it and never even being addressed by the staff about our complaints.
If you do polls, actually take our opinion into consideration, dont just fake it.

Part 6: Some final regards.
If you want to give some youtuber or twitch streamer free stuff to promote the game, do it, all in favor to bring more people into the game, just remember to have them say they are being sponsored (EVEN SHADY EA DOES THAT) and choose people that actually know anything about the franshise.
You want to plant "fake" accounts where people get stuff to incentivize others to spend, sure be my guest, just make sure they dont take part in the inportant PVP events and take away the rewards from those that actually payed for stuff and worked for it.
There should always be 2 ways of getting stuff, you either pay for it or you put in the work and hours necessary to achive it, and your prices should reflect that.
You need all the comunity to play the game not just the big spenders, respect all.
Drop the prices to a point where it is more achiveble to get, that way more people will try to get stuff and you will end up making more money in the end.
Allow players to have an opinion, dont just go ban hammer when you think something might be seen as a negative comment.

I could type more but i'm tired now, at least make an effort.

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On 2017-03-28 16:26:10Show All Posts
  • Beji On 2017-03-28 15:08:52
  • Players on my server haven't gained power in like a week and I have a feeling that won't change for a some time now.
what if i tell you that because of that consumption wheel a lot o people in the UK servers went crazy yesterday and spent thousands of ingots on it?
out of the blue a lower powered person got the lead for the susano'o sasuke reward, the pool size just grew to 50k cuppons and the guys that had their positions lost started to spend again like crazy.

at a point during the night someone got a 5% cuppons reward the pool droped to 5k and not 30 secs later was back at over 75k, and it ended up over 100k and right now it dropped back to around 75k and you can follow the "drama" here ... 695&highlight=wheel

how are some suppose to fight back if a selected few keep giving them money? it just shows that the company was right all along to scam and milk the players.

and because i'm a good person i will give this to the ones that keep spending before any actual changes have been made, it will help with the friction, so just stop complaining all together that you got rigged on an event that you knew was rigged and kept spending anyway.*-tape-and-vaseline-marathon-training-my-gym.jpg
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On 2017-03-28 20:09:35Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-03-28 20:06:41
  • it could very well be a plant account took 1st to make people spend more on the wheel, but even spending on the wheel doesnt mean recharging, i have 14k ingots from last year that i havent used
but if one of the biggest complaints is rigged wheels why spend on a rigged wheel?

spend them somewhere else, is it so hard to conect the dots?
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On 2017-03-28 20:50:04Show All Posts
  • Slacker. On 2017-03-28 20:37:05
  • Plant accounts would be accounts put there specifically to compete against heavy spenders, occasionally "leapfrogging" the spenders in power, making them more motivated to spend more to beat the planted account.

    Not saying this is happening, just describing the concept :P
the concept is actually used in asian games and they admit to doing so, the biggest difference is that this plant accounts avoid competing in actual pvp events and get rewards away from paying players.

it also server a showcase account for what you can achive if you spend enough.
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On 2017-03-29 01:20:28Show All Posts
Are they really going to give us the silent treatment until thursday in hopes a most likelly lucky board event will calm the rage?
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On 2017-03-29 05:54:34Show All Posts
its up to us to make sure this thread will never die and to keep it on top of the page to make sure that unless change comes there will be no rest
Quicky Post

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