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[ Events ] Enough of this!


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-19 16:54:31Show All Posts
Matsuri matchup problems have been there ever since cross-server was introduced in it.

1) It is said that if the matchup timer goes beyond 1 min it will be a random result. However, it should be true if both side's timer goes over 1 min. Currently it matches with anyone in random if one player's timer goes over 1 min, even if the other player just qued there.

2) It may sound silly but, how about having a bp difference threshold there? Let's say, if the bp difference of two player is over 10k, lower power player doesn't lose any ninja even if he/she loses the match.
Probably just a wishful thinking and will never happen.

3) that being said, you can probably avoid the big sharks if you don't que early at the event. High power players have no reason to wait around and most will be finished within the first hour or so. Try queing about 1 hour after nine tail and see how it matches.
Also, not a lot of players are in that 60k-70k region yet. So you won't get them everytime. With 9 ninja, you can build 3 good teams+ can revive one team if needed. so there is a good chance to get all 5 win if you keep improving yourself on a regular basis.

Just some random thoughts that comes to mind when seeing such topics.:)
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