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[ PVP ] Matsuri matchmaking is broken


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-14 04:04:01Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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The matsuri matchmaking is broken well at leat for me all my matchups were unbalance as you can see from the pictures below as all my fights were against people i had no chance of beating or people who had no chance beating me one of the 2 wins i got was from someone with 10k less power there was only one person who had similar power had he had a ful team but he only had 3 charachters left so i beat him aswell.This needs to be fixed its nowonder the current poll for cross server sage world the community cant trust oasis to make a working crosss erver system.But if you've experienced the same says so and if you have pictures please share.
This post was last edited by abd*** at 2017-3-14 04:07
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On 2017-03-14 05:46:04Show this Author Only
i feel you bro...same with me and my gf...i got people with more than 13k power than me...but we tell them every single week the EXACT SAME SH*T AND THEY DON'T EVEN REPLY, THEY SIMPLY DO NOT here is a brother speaking: you should get used with the ideea, because they won't change jack sh*t, because either they're too lazy or because they're actually some kids that were employed by oasis because they accept the payment in cupons :))))
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On 2017-03-14 05:46:45Show this Author Only
Every matsuri since the merge is the same: either you slaughter or you get slaughtered, no in between
(probably will get banned for these comments, but i really don't care, they are merly doing what they are told to do.And i feel the mods, they only want the cupons ingame so they can stay relevant, even if that means to sell their souls to the devil)
This post was last edited by 122***@facebook at 2017-3-14 05:49
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On 2017-03-14 07:37:22Show this Author Only
same here got matched up with a 42k guy 4 ppl... myself 21k 2 ppl... so at the end no chance :@
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On 2017-03-14 07:39:41Show this Author Only
ofc it is lol. in my experience first match is always fair and then they pair you up with some overpowered lvl 89 lol and i'm only lvl 81. I know there's no point complaining but the match making really is broken!
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On 2017-03-14 07:43:31Show this Author Only
I think that the problem is that they use level as the basis of matching. They should use power level for matching and nothing else. People should only be matched if they are within 5k power of each other. That difference is doable for a small player to win if they have a good line up, and know how to play the game. Anymore and difference and you get the results that people are seeing. 5k difference also gives the program some wiggle room in matchmaking.
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On 2017-03-14 07:48:12Show this Author Only
yeah I sometimes got matched against people with 20k above me =)
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On 2017-03-14 11:27:38Show this Author Only
welcome to the club , there is atleast one thread like this each week . maybe oasis should sit down and think "Wow they really don't like our cross server system" :lol but then again the majority that complain is f2p ifukonwhatimean
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On 2017-03-14 12:31:36Show this Author Only
I lost a match, pressed battle with a new team; immediately matched against a guy 30k higher ;P

The fix is really simple; just require both players to be in que for more than a minute for complete random matchmaking; instead of just 1 player over 60s, and a random person get drafted into a lopsided match.
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On 2017-03-14 12:38:37Show this Author Only
I concur. Since they made matsuri cross server it's my least favorite event
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On 2017-03-14 16:05:55Show this Author Only
I've actually had good experience with Matsuri so far.
The first matches I meet players around my same power,
if I win, I meet stronger players,
if I lose I meet weaker players until I get a couple wins.

Overall, I lose ~3-6 ninjas, but able to finish with 5 wins.
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On 2017-03-14 19:14:23Show this Author Only
The problem is, there's no winning.

If you don't make Matsuri cross server, you get crushed constantly on your own server and make no progress.
If you do make it cross server, you have a higher chance to fight people closer to your power but also people way above it. Again, the people who benefit from single server Matsuri are the big fishes in tiny ponds when the people that get crushed by the 'big fishes' tend to do better on cross server.

I was LV56 with 21k power during yesterday's Matsuri and my fights went something like this (I doubt anyone I fought posts on the forums but if you do feel free to correct me if we fought)

1. LV52 6k power
2. LV58 9k power
3. LV68 19k power
4. LV 56 7k power
5. LV71 20k power

It was roughly like this and luckily won them all, what I get matched against varies wildly but only up to about 15 levels higher than myself.

Usually, since I've been matched with 20k power people as early as my 3rd fight, I take out my main team after my first 2 fights and use a sub team, if you lose, it resets you to fighting people BELOW your level, and then slowly builds up like that again, if you have two strong teams that don't overlap and you don't mind losing to win more fights later, then this is the way to go.

If you're not fortunate enough to be abnormally strong for your level, or if you run into some bad luck (I encountered 23k people in the past) you c*e the reset method to get your 5 wins.
This post was last edited by Immortal Utsuro at 2017-3-14 19:17
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