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[ Fanfiction ] The Past and The Present: Fire & Lightning 1 [Rating K+ ]


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-11 04:20:05Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello dear Friends of the Plot Forum :loveliness:
This is my first fanfic here in this forum and its a multi-chapter fanfic about the 5 mains past and how they met each other. This is actually Chapter 1 but it wont let me post everything all together so I had to split it into 2 :L Updates vary depending on the muse I get but I will try by best!

Slight warning: there's shipping in this fanfic.

I used the Main Character main name < Scarlet Blaze, etc > because that was how I worked with them from the start and it kinda * to me. Please no flame; comments and thoughts are much appriciated^^ Enjoy.

< The Past: Fire & Lightning Part 1 >

The sounds of birds chirping filled the air. It was a sunny day, with clear sky. Scarlet could almost see miles away from his view on Konoha Hill.
He leisurely walked barefoot through the gentle grass until he spot a sturdy log on the ground, his usual spot. Carefully, he sat down on the log and pulled up his short, stubby legs close to his chest and let the nature sips into his soul.

Scarlet gazes over Konoha, the small houses decorating the land surrounded by trees. He could also spot his clan compound from here. The clear blue sky gave Scarlet a bit of amu*t as he tries to search for animals-looking clouds.

In his focus, he didn’t realize that there was a blue *erfly flying close to him until the *erfly landed on his nose.


He jolted in a surprised and caused the *erfly to fly away.

“Aw, don’t leave, Mr. *erfly.” Scarlet whines a bit and he made grasping gestures at the fading insect. When Scarlet realised that the *erfly isn’t coming back, he laughed softly to himself and leaned back on the log until he could swung his legs around.

This was his routine, everyday after a rigorous training with his father and finished helping his mother with house chores, he would walk to the hill to enjoy the beautiful view and peaceful tranquilly.

Unknown to him, another boy also had a routine.

Midnight watched Scarlet in awe behind a large tree. He had been coming here ever since he saw Scarlet at his spot. At first, the child was angry. How dare someone took his spot?

But then the brunette would leaned back and started up at the sky with a gentle smile, humming a tone Midnight recognised as the song of the lost child. Midnight knew that song because someone performed it at the orphanage once. He was fascinated by Scarlet and ever since had been watching him.

Although it seems to the naked eye, Scarlet wasn’t doing anything. But as Midnight watched Scarlet more and more, he noticed the little movements he made and he could actually tell what had happen to him that day.

Sometimes Scarlet comes to the hill buzzing with energy and his legs would swing frequently. His humming also had an upbeat tone to it.
Sometimes Scarlet comes with slumped shoulders and he would drag his feet at a painful snail pace before curling on the sturdy log.
It was things like that had made Midnight so intrude at observing the boy, who looked as if he was around the same age as him.

Hours passed and Scarlet never once turned around towards the small presence behind him until it was his usual time to leave. Carefully he got up and wiped the log cleanly before strutting down the hill, humming softly. Another peaceful day.

When Scarlet left, the sky had already turned slightly orange. Midnight walked over to the log and sat down. The log was still warm from its previous host. Midnight took his time, thinking up ways to sneak out of the orphanage and go to a field where he could train his sword skill.

It was their secret routine, one-sided without the other ever knowing.

Until one day.

This post was last edited by Venn at 2017-3-12 10:45
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-11 04:20:40Show All Posts
“You ungrateful brat!”

The sound of whip hitting flesh resonant through the small space that is the orphanage lounge room. Midnight gritted his teeth as he held back a painful cry. His stomach burned from where they were hit.

He had only asked for permission to train late and maybe it was careless of him to asked for a leave from the orphanage.

“If we’re not here, you’ll be dead by now, child! Nobody would want to take a demon like you!”

“O-Oi, I think that’s a bit overboard...”

“What? Don’t say you didn’t think it too. Just look at him, he has that bloodthirsty trait all demons have.”

Midnight stares down at his callous feet and scratched shins as his fist clenched by his sides. He tries to hold back his anger, tries to hold back his tears and most importantly, tries very hard to hold back his hatred.

“L-Look what you did, he looks like... h-he might kill us!” The harsh whispers of the caretaker couldn’t help but draw a scar down his heart.

All he ever wanted was to be strong, so he could be independent. Isn’t that what his family had wanted, after they made the decision to abandon him in this Hidden Leaf Village.

“If you want to leave so much, then leave!”

Midnight lifted his head up and glared right at the head of the caretaker. He let out a small snarled and took pleasure in seeing them all flinch from a small child.

His feet started to move and he quickly gathered his things. There weren’t much, he realized. Did he actually lived 5 years here?

As he move out of the building, the other children moved aside from him and Midnight tried to ignored the judging and fearful stares as if he
was some kind of monster.

“* it.”

Before he realized, he was at the top of the Hill. His legs carried him over towards the long, lone log and he slumped down on it, dumping his bag pack beside his feet. He squeezed his eyes shut and curled his hands on his lap.


Why did they look at him like that?

Midnight couldn’t push away those judging eyes no matter how hard he tried. His eyes stung and he felt something chocking on his chest.

Suddenly, there was a gentle tap on his shoulder and he tensed. Did they come following him?

Slowly he turned his head around, only to be met with a small white daisy.


He heard a voice and saw the boy he had been watching for months – still barefoot and was in a t-shirt and shorts, now looking at him with a rather concerned expression.

“I um, found this flower. I want to give it to you.”

The boy cheeks turned slightly pink but he fixed his gaze at him. Midnight found himself even more pulled to him, as red eyes stare into blues.


Midnight blurted out but Scarlet didn’t seemed to be fazed. Instead he smiled and offered the daisy more urgently.

“I also wanted to make up for taking your spot. I was hoping you would join me sometimes, instead of staying behind the tree all the time.”

The boy laughed and Midnight eyes widen. He felt his cheeks turning a bit red and glanced away.

“Can I sit here?”

The boy asked him as he motion at the empty space beside him. The log was large, more than enough for the both of them. Midnight gave
a small nod and he carefully sat down. He was sitting close to him though, but Midnight didn’t seem to mind.

“That flower, are you sure you want to give it to me?”

Midnight asked quietly as he watched the boy turned the flower gently between his fingers. The boy tilted his head slightly and smiled.

“Of course. Why shouldn’t I give it to you?”

He passed the flower over to him and Midnight found himself getting nervous as he cradle the daisy between his callous hands. He stayed silent for a while as he stared at the white petals, fresh and bright as if newly bloomed.

“Because I might break it apart. I’m a monster.”

The boy beside him shifted a little, as Midnight could make out some very large movement. Then he saw red eyes trying to look at him.

“A monster huh. I guess you must be strong then?”

Midnight blinked a little. Nobody had ever reacted like that to him.

“I guess... I trained myself so that I’ll be strong.”

The boy gave a low whistled and leaned back slightly.

“Well, if you’re strong, why not use it to protect instead of hurting people.”

Midnight looked at the innocent flower in his hands. Protect people? How was he going to protect people if he’s a monster. Doesn’t monster hurt people?

“I’m a monster. I can’t do that.”

“You’re not a monster. Monsters aren’t born, they are made.”

The boy said bluntly. Midnight was surprised at that statement and it made him think. Suddenly there was a hand on his arm, one he knew
was the boy and that made him turned his head towards him.

The boy was smiling at him, a genuine and sincere smile that left Midnight dazzled.

“I don’t think you’re a monster.”

Midnight was in awe. This boy, who he had watched quietly for days, was talking to him, was being kind to him, was the first one to say that he wasn’t a monster.

“I think so because you were here all the time. With me. If you’re going to become a monster, then so will I.”

“But you’re not-“

“Then you’re not either.”

Midnight blinked once, and then twice. The hand on his arm was warm and soft, it held gentleness and sincerity n their gestures.

“Thank you.” Midnight said softly, but he averts his eyes to stare at the daisy once more. “But I don’t have anywhere to go now. I don’t have a place to live.”

“You can live with me.”

The boy offered kindly with a bright grin. Midnight stared at him puzzled.

“But I don’t even know you.”

“I’m Scarlet Blaze! Now you know me.” Scarlet said brightly and the hold on his arm squeezed slightly. “Live with me, please. I’ll be good to you, I promised!”

Midnight was very confused with this very bright and outgoing boy, who he just knew was Scarlet. He thinks carefully about the offer and realized he didn’t really have much of a choice. There’s no way Midnight, a 5 year old boy, can survived living on the street with no money.
He might ended up getting desperate and commit crimes. The child shudders at the thought.

“My name is Midnight Blade.” He introduced himself, might as well get to know his soon to be host.

“I would like to take that offer, Scarlet.”

For the first time, Midnight eyes were actually blinded. He never saw anything so bright as when Scarlet smiled, his eyes beaming in joy. And when Scarlet had thrown himself at him, wrapping his small arms around Midnight own small shoulders, Midnight knows, he had fallen for him.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-12 01:26:11Show All Posts
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-03-11 05:27:33
  • ...Why did I almost cry? ;-; Oh god this fanfic has me on a new ship now
Because Midnight deserved better ;-; welcome to the ship mate ;P
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-12 01:27:18Show All Posts
  • Aisetra On 2017-03-11 07:12:54
  • <:3_46:><:3_46:><:3_46:> This story is off to a great start! I'll be waiting for more! :)
Thank you! Glad you like it :$
I will try to update as frequently as I can!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-12 01:30:51Show All Posts
  • On 2017-03-11 09:26:30
  • :'( Cute. It's too cute. I need more of this. Please update?

    On a second note, I like how this story is shaping up. Please keep up the good work!
Thank you! Second chapter may be about a certain cute water main -winks-

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-14 23:22:02Show All Posts
  • KaHa104 On 2017-03-12 10:17:11
  • Gosh this is so good <:3_62:>
    Please update as fast as possible (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Second Chapter is up!
Quicky Post

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