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[ Lineup ] Help with Crimson Fist..


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 20
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On 2016-08-26 05:39:02Show All Posts
  • Hebrajus On 2016-08-26 05:28:10
  • nice site, but for me Crismon fist not show, otheres can select
Ur still lvl 33 just sticl on sakura saske naruto... then get 2 star neji kakashi 3 star kankuro... and this will be ur formation Kankuro Main Neji
x kakashi x
x x x
This post was last edited by 110***@google at 2016-8-26 05:40
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 20
  • Posts: 52
On 2016-08-26 06:29:25Show All Posts
  • On 2016-08-26 06:02:36
  • X X X
    kakashi, Main, Neji,
    X Lee X

    Used this lineup and became top 10 strongest earth
there a big different ur team on my team.. if one of ur neji or kakashi die the combo will not rotate.. in my line up if 1 die on this team the combo will still continue + if the puppet survive longer u give poison + if kankuro do standard attack ur team will combo using lee u rely on RNG that he will high float the enemy. PS: There is many Hinata User and if ur using Lee u know what i mean but kankuro even if hinata use the shield kankuro can still connect a standard attack This post was last edited by 110***@google at 2016-8-26 06:34
Quicky Post

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