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[ News ] Server Merge Request - 6th March


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 10
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On 2017-03-06 17:30:01Show All Posts
Server ID : S274 - Flying Swallow
Server Region : HK
Server Age : About 3 months
Sage Battlefield : around 20 player . sometime we dont have enough player to do it
Time taken to kill World boss : 5-6 Min
No of Group Participating in Great Ninja War : 3-2 (other 1 basically dead that why i put 3-2 )
Average Power Rank Of Top 5 , Top 10 , Top 20 : Top 1 : 39k ,Top 2-5 : 36k-32k, Top10 ; 31k-29k, Top20: 29k-26k

Some player just quit the game. so i hope you can merge us . This post was last edited by sul*** at 2017-3-6 17:31
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