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[ News ] Server Merge Request - 6th March


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-13 05:58:53Show All Posts
1. Server ID: S146:Blue Snake
2. Server Region: UK
3. Server Age: ~ 7 months
4. Sage Battlefield: we barely were able to do it today, next time we won't probably fit the minimum requirement
5. Time taken to kill World Boss: ~15-20 minutes.
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3. One with good amount of active ppl and 2 that are slowly going to die and only esists to join GNW and take the rest of packs.
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 51K, AVG top 10 : 48K, AVG Top 20 : 44k

We would like to merge with server "S198: Konoha Clif" since it would be a balanced merge.
The strongest player of our server has 11-12k more power then the second, so he's highly inflating our average amounts.
We've all spent a big amount of time and some of us also a big amout of money on this game.... please do not let our server die and save all our efforts!
Thank you This post was last edited by Nivan at 2017-3-13 06:00
This post was last edited by Nivan at 2017-3-13 06:04
Quicky Post

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