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[ Strategy Share ] how do you get seal scrolls fast?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-25 10:30:45Show All Posts
  • JirayaEro On 2017-02-24 05:21:24
  • Every week Kakashi Handbook: 1
    Monthly Event: 2 x each week (4)=8
    Monthly Sign-in: 2
    Every Month: 5 seal frags x 4 (5 each week)= 2
    Every Weekend Chase Missions: 1x each week(4)=4
    So you get 17 seal scrolls each month, not counting Matsuri, Sage Worlds, Survival Trial, GNW Packs or events.
    If i forgot any free seal scroll, let me know please.

    This post was last edited by JirayaEro at 2017-2-25 19:25
There is also the 2x 5 frags earned each week from the weekly training missions (aka new bounties).
Quicky Post

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