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[ Events ] Events - 23rd February


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-23 16:38:16Show All Posts
  • ShinjiIkari On 2017-02-23 16:28:26
  • yeah I really hate when they keep offering hashirama in the event. I think the reason is he way obsolete and overpriced by like a lot. Instead of keep offering ninjas from tendo treasure or Konan, please Oasis offer us sth else. Not have to be any ninja, but sth like recharge event or lucky board, so we can gain more power.

    I feel frustrated every single time you guys offer Konan or Hashirama. I believe many have the same feeling as mine.
Apparently some people are buying these ninjas, because otherwise they wouldn't continue milking :P

But yeah I'm of the same opinion. It'd be nice if Oasis would either offer these b-tier ninjas for alot cheaper, or offer as decent ninja for those prices.

In any event, I'll probably just wait out for lucky board, unless Sage has some great deals on power.

I can't bring myself to waste money on a 15k hashirama or _especially_ 4k konan/pain ;P;P

Just put Danzo, Darui, Mei etc on sale, and people WILL buy those.
Quicky Post

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