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[ News ] Server Merge Request - 20th February


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-01 03:26:31Show All Posts
1. Server ID: S306 Dissolving Jutsu
2. server Region: UK
3. Server Age: 2+ months
4. Sage Battlefield: Not happening anymore
5. Time taken to kill World boss: 7-10 minutes, but as a sign of the server slowing down, Ninetails lost HP lately, first time we see it regressing.
6. Groups participating in GNW: 2 and a third group with 2 players each week.
7. Average Power Rank of Top 5: 30k top 10: 26k top 25: 23k

We're asking for a merge right no because it will get complicated later on. If we keep missing sage, the power difference will grow with servers opened around the same date.

Moreover, most of the active players are reluctant to spend money on the game since they don't know if a merge will happen or if it will merge with a more "powerful" server (due to the absence of Sage). The main idea is to get some visibility on what will happen to this server. This post was last edited by 118***@facebook at 2017-3-1 03:28
Quicky Post

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