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[ Help ] If you want them to start paying attention...


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-19 01:53:45Show All Posts
  • Laliat On 2017-02-18 23:13:09
  • That's also understandable. But like all MMO's, there will always be old and new players. You don't see other MMO's constantly opening up new servers just because new players don't want to take the time to build themselves up just because the current players on that server are already stronger than they are. This mindset doesn't make any sense.

    It also prevents stronger players from interacting with new players, building stronger groups by inviting and tutoring them on how to play the game, etc. It seems the company has no idea what players actually want and do things based on assumptions. What players want are stable, active servers. When players stop playing on a particular server, it's not because there are players that are stronger than they are, it's because people come and try the game, become bored or busy, stop playing, but because new servers are opening up, new players are less and less likely to join their server because it's no longer at the top of the list. So, if players quit due to boredom and no new players join, the current players just quit that server and join a new one because that server is currently full and active.

    Players crave interaction and activity. This is what keeps people playing. Neglect that and players will move on to something else. This post was last edited by Laliat at 2017-2-18 10:14
"You don't see other MMO's constantly opening up new servers just because new players don't want to take the time to build themselves up just because the current players on that server are already stronger than they are. This mindset doesn't make any sense."

What you are pointing out makes less sense then the "ilogic" of the server setup. Your idea of having less/none new servers actually "forces" new players to become p2w right away or there is no chance for them to even show up for anything. 9tail they are rank 1000, sage, they will be out faster then they enter, matsuri maybe a bit fun and luck there.
There are what 300-400server number now. So like 100-200 servers in total, merged etc. Now lets go with your idea of having none-to almost no new servers.

Server 1-50 is one group
Server 51-100 2nd group
Server 101-150 3rd
Server 151-200 4th
Server 201-250 5th
Server 251-300 6th
Server 301-350 7th

There is what around 5000-10000 active players in total (im just guessing now).
lets divide them on the 7servers we have and we end up with 715-1429 per server. Lets say each of the servers have a minimum of 1-2months before the new group is made. The 8th group where Server 351-400 comes.

A person that comes across this game and logs on one of the prew server is honestly making that server dead since according to your philosophy they should "learn" from the older server and then move on to the new one once they open. I dont see it so wrong if they do it this way but still you will have 700-1500 ppl on each server which would result a powergap you would hate more then ever. The game would litterly turn this way: P2W players gather on one part of the groups. All from semi-to heavy since they all want to compete, and the f2p ppl would have to make up the feeding groups. The p2w groups could go as far as plunder everytime someone does a SS convoy - one more reasource killed for f2p. No chance on 9tail, you are stuck with wishing three and hoping you dont deal with them on matsuri and that the company gives freebees that would benefit the f2p players more then the p2w which would result WITHOUT ANY DOUBT into what you are trying to with this "boycot".

Very few people would spend money on a game where f2p people have more benefits/advantages then p2w. How? lets say events just give low level refine runes/stones/stregthen, this would balance the game but again it makes the p2w ppl quit the game right away. Because the next cycle would be mediume cloth/refines and once all the f2p are feed with that the game goes to the advanced. Yes this would be a very balanced way to make a game and it would also be very nice if every person on planet earth had his own home,car,everyone having the same salary nomatter what job you work. But just as real world doesnt work that way nor will it work on this game and pretty much any other game. Why?

p2w people on new servers would move to the old servers, you are lower level but having lvl 85cap would give them a chance to catch up lvl. So you are left with the new f2p servers which in common logic as in a perspective of business is "good pr" but worthless to maintain. If the new p2w ppl dont move to the old servers, then your going back to the prew issues mentioned above. 1. Bunch of OP groups giving the rest little chance to gain anything, unless you want to play Naruto Online just because Naruto serie and want to talk with people about it "which there most likely is forums/chats out there for".
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-19 08:06:43Show All Posts
  • Rekkles On 2017-02-19 02:43:31
  • Heres a better situation

    This post was last edited by Rekkles at 2017-2-19 02:45 This post was last edited by Rekkles at 2017-2-19 02:45
stop the use of "this make sense/it doesnt" when your in reality just giving a propozle, One of the reasons the 60day less server cant get rewards could be as simple as the ninjas are RNG based and your not suppost to be able to get them untill after 2months of the game which should open up kage treasure lvl vice by that time,

Just stop using the word mkaes or doenst make sense and pu* as your einstein and figured out how to travle through space by transforming your face into a troll.

If you want to be taken serius well star t writing the same way, You wouldnt go to your teacher and say "hey teacher that other guy in class he does extra x-class beside school so let me get the grades easier" or "hey boss, the guy that does more the company then me that gets paid more then me, i want the same income fo money as him" when you instead could say "hey teacher im not so good at x-class, is there a way you could help me out" or "hey boss, i do need to earn more money can you help me with a solution ont hat"
Quicky Post

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